Thursday, July 12, 2012

Talk Radio: The lost art of listening

Talk radio is a mirror of American mentality. Those who host program after program very proud of what they perceive as conservatism. Assured that everything will somehow solve the platform is many talk show hosts to use as a standard.

opinions are rare because it houses several callers spend hours to express a variety of points of view with little input of listeners. Only if a caller is in agreement with the host is a person authorized to speak. If any hint of dissent is expressed, a caller is interrupted and cut. Nothing more can be said by anyone who has been put on hold, maybe for 30-60 minutes or more before being allowed to speak a single word.

Politics is the driving force of talk radio. Everything spiritual is completely ignored and the inability to be balanced by the host is more than evident. The perception is that he is the host or the minds of many Americans, like minded or contrary opinions are attacked against those who disagree. The average talk show host does not understand what it means to be an average American struggling 9-5. While they may have once had with sweat and effort, as most Americans know today have a high profile job that is not in touch with the average person.

Listeners are simply at the mercy of those who control such programs. To call in is impossible because the host rambles on and without allowing callers to express an opinion beyond 60 seconds, in most cases. Callers are cut at the touch of a button and talk radio host can say whatever he wants on the comments. Some program formats border on the ridiculous, while others strive for a semblance of sanity, but fail.

Television is a world unto itself. Discussions are underway with other guests stop. If verbal abuse was a crime, many guests, including the host, would be in jail. TV personality and radio addressing issues as if they were the only ones who have knowledge of any subject is discussed.

Ridicule those who disagree with an opinion of a host is rampant. Several presenters and ramble endlessly reminds anyone who has a different opinion that he or she is simply uninformed and out of the world where dissent is expressed by the caller. It 'amazing that someone would take the time to call, because talk radio on one side and the opinion of the host is all that matters. Competition is fierce and ratings are the number one driving force of each program format and the audience is constantly reminded of how well informed and know all hosts are different.

What happened today is what has prompted this editorial. The first of a three-hour program that I heard was radio message from the presenter. The program suffers from ill enthusiasm. Anyone who is hearing impaired has not something to worry about. The second three-hour program is heard nationally as a very good view and knowledge is more than evident from the host. It reminds listeners daily that he is "on loan from Gawd." The word "God" is exaggerated, when expressed. The latest three-hour program that I heard today presented radio messages by everyone throughout the afternoon. constant bickering was the theme. The guest feels that the format most comprehensive on the radio, but I was left with the impression it was a constant verbal boxing match ..

II Timothy 2 provides a modern day portrait of Talk Radio

2 Timothy 3:1-5-But know this, that in the last days difficult times. vs. 2-For men
must be lovers of themselves (high opinion of themselves) ... boasters (omniscient) ... vs 3 -... slanderers (rude), without self-control (and not able to speak quietly but consistently interrupting) ... brutal (an attitude in your face) ...
vs. 4 -... stubborn (personal opinion without openness), arrogant (arrogant) ...
vs. 5 -... these people away. "

What happened to common sense by those who represent talk radio? I shook my head in disgust today because of arrogance and pride has been more obvious that those who have listened. Talk radio is a mirror of how America does not listen, but only wants to talk. Someone else's opinion is not respected and constantly interrupting each other over radio waves in the country shows what contempt is a fact of everyday life. It is obvious that in many cases, is another person's opinion is not important and we simply do not listen to one another with an open mind. Talk radio is a mirror of the nation, and many people are affected by an attitude in the face.

It 's a sad day for the country, when a talk show host looked for answers. Little do those who rule the airwaves realize that there are Americans who are able to draw conclusions without their input. There are actually people who have a much more balanced approach to what is happening around them and know that it is useless to call a program and express an opinion. Why? Why radio talk show hosts do not give the benefit of the doubt to anyone who disagrees with their views. They feel threatened by those who can hold your ground and know more than you care to listen.

Many Americans do not listen to talk radio and then perhaps what I faced no problem. I wish it was not for me. I wonder what America would be like if the air waves would be quiet for one day instead of playing and shouting in your face approach taken by guests who have a high opinion of themselves. I believe that those who rule the airwaves may find we can live without them.

(C) 2005 By Richard Markland

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