Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Gay cowboy and Other Hollywood Philosophies

The whole country is talking about the film Brokeback Mountain and has created no small stir. In a Sunday morning TV editorial Charles Osgood pointed out that Hollywood is not tying to put forth a liberal gay program but are interested only in bottom line - money. Although he has raised, it sounded like capture the minds of adults or poisoning the minds of our youth was just an accessory that happened on the way to the bank.

For over thirty years I felt that not only what we see on film that we can influence. Each film has a philosophy attached to it if it was planned or not. Sex, violence and profanity are blaringly obvious, but the philosophies are not subtle. Today philosophies are increasingly evident and are much less subtle. The race for cash Box Office is not all this before the fuel indefinitely kind of expression in the film industry.

The mention of any control (including self-control) is met with cries of violated First Amendment rights and freedom of expression old hype. It may seem a bit 'longer used, but it is still true that Hollywood has never bothered to tell the difference between freedom and license.

A recent survey found that only one in a thousand Americans knows all the rights our Constitution provides for them. On average, the survey said that most people can name only one of our constitutional rights. In contrast to this fact, it was discovered that the same people who can name three or more characters from the animated sitcom "The Simpsons." The bottom line says that filmmakers know what their rights, but the movie viewing public, or doesn 't have a clue or simply do not care.

Anyone who thinks that TV and movies do not influence our society to live in another country. But this is not true. Another survey recently found that one reason that almost all major countries of the world hates Americans is because the film industry. Everyone knows that America is what they see in movies. Immorality, frivolous romance, rebellion, crime, gay cowboys and general chaos, that's all you see. Each country tries to maintain order and develop would naturally reject this kind of example and that is what they do.

We get Hollywood's attention on this, not so far, but maybe we could get them on their way to the bank and let them know. It is estimated that Americans spend on average fifteen years of their entire lives watching TV and movies. Perhaps it is reasonable to think John Q public to watch television is going to take any time from their grasp some fifteen years of Hollywood producers on their way to the bank. Maybe you could complain a bit 'during the commercials, which include five of the fifteen years of their TV and movie watching life.

Actors and other film professionals are paid large sums of money to do and say things that most Americans believe should never be seen or spoken. We are showing our mind, or is art imitating life rather than flattery. I suppose when actors or actors are offered small fortunes to behave and speak evil must think they are experiencing right. They too probably laugh all the way to the bank. Most Americans do not act like Hollywood actors, but can afford to do them anyway they choose.

Everything seems OK, if in the end (the trip to the bank) seems to justify the means. Some Americans are a bit 'sick of Hollywood that tells you how to live, instead of representing the way they actually live. The Bible is not sick with anything, but has much to say about human behavior as the patient can become. Perhaps it is best told by the Bible whether Hollywood is listening or not. There is a way that seems right unto a man, but in the end are the ways of death. Proverbs 14:12

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