Friday, July 13, 2012

Sigh of relief early America

According to numerous reports, Hurricane Rita has made hundreds of thousands of people homeless, as expected. Thousands of businesses and homes were not destroyed as planned and oil rigs and Gulf coast refineries have not been completely flattened. The picture painted by the media was that of the mass destruction beyond anything America has ever lived was to become the worst nightmare of the country. Now that the reality of Hurricane Rita is putting in, because for many Americans is only a matter of reconstruction after people return to their homes and businesses. After all, America may be down but not out.

Initial estimates put the damage at $ 5,000,000,000 of Rita, but officials say that Texas money will be at least $ 8 billion in the Gulf Coast alone. Cutting off supplies of fuel are available, with prices projected to make $ 4 - $ 5 a gallon. A few days are required to inspect oil rigs and refineries for damage, resulting in shortage of possible price increases or temporary.

Now that New Orleans was hit again by massive flooding, how confident are federal, state and local officials, when addressing the future of the city? Do not be surprised if once the flood recedes, a set of optimistic thinking inside Mayor Nagin is already talking about rebuilding efforts. Give an inch of breathing room, and America will take a mile. As I said before, I was confident once again that New Orleans will be rebuilt, even if the city can groped reconstruction efforts without interruption for years to come. Another hurricane could happen at any time. If anything, Katrina and Rita is a testimony of how natural disasters are the stamp of approval of God for His will. America, however, can breathe a sigh of relief and be convinced that all's well that ends well. America's future will not be a smooth continuity because the American spirit says so.

While millions of Americans have been asked to pray for those who have been hit, America's clergy is naive as a reason for twin sisters of the country a disaster struck the nation with such a vengeance. A deafening silence is heard from the pulpit after pulpit throughout the country. This Sunday, parishioners are not told why God is allowing this to happen for the nation. Mainstream Christianity does not provide the answers according to the Bible. Both the clergy and members of various denominations are disoriented. As a nation, America is spiritually bankrupt and needs a doctor

How many times the old cliché: "The Lord works in mysterious ways" been used? Once again spirituality giftwrapped as a mystery, rather than providing concrete answers to those who want to know why and what for how events are becoming more dangerous for the average American.

Actual events are not as deep as that which follows after they occur. When the dust settles, finally, or waters recede, as in the case of Katrina and Rita, America will only address what he has learned with regard to preventive measures are concerned. Human nature never changes. America will once again pat on the shoulder like a sigh of relief.

God has once again lost the soft underbelly of America, for pity, but few are willing to admit. Americans do not want to face reality. For average Americans, if there is a drawback is allowed only in terms of days at most. Katrina and Rita are just warnings, but the far greater catastrophes will happen if America does not repent individually and nationally. Many people scoff at this possibility and has been prophesied to happen.

2 Peter 3:03 - "Knowing this first, that should not come in the last days scoffers,
walk after their passions ... "

Meteorologists were surprised by the uncertainty of both Katrina and Rita. The devastation of Galveston and Houston did not occur due to Rita veering slightly to the right, and that an upward movement in the north, almost touching the city of New Orleans. If Katrina and Rita would hit the "Big Easy" full force, the city would be completely devastated. Few people are considering how close New Orleans came to be a city for the history books. The unpredictability of both Katrina and Rita show that God is in total control of time and still will not admit to a distance of superior intelligence beyond the ability of sophisticated weather forecast today.

Psalm 107:25 - "For He (God) commands, and raises the stormy wind,
lifteth that the waves thereof. "

Across America probably learned from Rita is how to properly evacuate millions of people from a large metropolitan city. The Americans have learned why the warning should be listened to after seeing what happened in New Orleans. FEMA is learning to distribute food and relief efforts in a more organized way. law enforcement is now pending to stop all direct looting at a moments notice to take note of what happened in New Orleans. America is equivalent to a rebellious teenager who just learned the hard way. This does God wants.

Joel 2:13 - "And rend your heart and not your garments, and turn to the Lord your God, for He is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and of great kindness, and he repents of evil (God will change His mind, if people screaming for his help). "

America is in trouble and yet millions of Americans are insensitive to the danger. The incomprehensible has already happened for the country, with far greater disasters to come.

The attacks took place when the twin towers in New York City from an enemy outside our borders. A war is taking place halfway around the world with no end in sight. Natural disasters are ongoing and will increase in intensity is unlike anything in the history of the country. U.S. federal deficit threatens to bankrupt the country and yet few people realize the consequences for spending beyond our means. Problem after problem is obvious to all, yet millions of Americans are asleep at the helm.

The United States has just been spared what might have been the most devastating natural disaster in its history. The repercussions of such an event is what many people are considering. The whole city will be destroyed in the future as well as small towns and not just through a hurricane, but any number of natural or man made disaster now threatens the very survival of the country.

America must change

Isaiah 55:6-7-"Seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near. Vs 7-What the wicked forsake his thoughts return alone to the Lord and have mercy on him, and the our God, for He will abundantly pardon. "

(C) 2005 By Richard Markland

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