Sunday, July 29, 2012

America, land of the free, Home Of The Brave!

"But for how long?" We send our brave men and women to fight in a foreign land, while we allow certain anti Christian government officials gradually chip away and remove the vary "god given" freedoms that we sent to defend them!

We have allowed the Bible to be removed from our public schools while we allowed the "theory" of evolution to be forcibly taught to our children look at incidents like Columbine and feel a woman who lost a son in a school shooting say God, how could you let this happen? YOUR ANSWER: You said God was not allowed in schools! Now it is easier to do it in secret weapons and explosives in a public school, than it is to read a Bible there, and the ACLU did not file a lawsuit for bringing a gun or bomb to school, but it sure is if you bring a Bible.

The U.S. judicial system, in the classroom you are asked to swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God! " On the Bible, and The Ten Commandments were just ordered by the court audience. "The same principles that have just been asked to swear to tell the truth!" With the removal of the Ten Commandments which underpin the American justice system, and our great country was founded, you have just allowed the hope of all justice to be removed from the halls of American justice!

When I was in school, they taught us to be faithful to our country. We were shoulder to shoulder as the young Americans, and recited the Pledge of Allegiance, the way it was originally conceived, One nation under God, for those of you who don 't remember. "God is a free country" This is what our brave men and women of the armed forces are fighting and dying for!

There are only two ways of being right or wrong. So if we are right in OT to send our men and women to fight for our "God given freedom," Is not there so wrong for them to remove the name of God from public life?

The agenda of the ACLU is to make the United States reflect a non - believers view of the foundation of nations and the future existence.

They sued to get our national motto "In God We Trust" removed from our currency, One Nation Under God removed from the Pledge of Allegiance, the war memorial cross removed and the white headstones in the cemetery of all government as Arlington certainly be in their line of fire as well.

The ten commandments of Moses was given by God has been forcibly removed all form all government buildings and our government should reflect a religious vision is not atheistic in all public places. Why are they so ashamed of their God-given freedom? This was the legacy of the fore fathers wanted to pass on to all future generations!

Throughout history we read out all of the sacrifices that our ancestors did as they fought and died to keep us all free. George Washington ordered his troops every day, starting the day with the collection of all the officers and troops together and pray. Praying to God Almighty to make them victorious in battle, and for the safety of men.

The first Continental Congress in 1774 adopted a motion to pause for prayer to ask for support and guidance following a report of the British invasion of Boston. The prayer was composed of 35 Psalms of the Bible.

A national day of fasting was initiated by Congress to ask for Gods forgiveness for the sins of American soldiers engaged in war. Church services were held in the U.S. Capitol where Jefferson was in the Marines and the band provided the music at the expense of taxpayers. Church services were held in the building of the Supreme Court for many years.

Separation of church and state means, the government has never been a strength of any single religion to be recognized as a choice at the national or federal courts, as it was in England. Instead, it was to recognize the practice of different religions and do not prohibit the exercise of it. In short, the government was to stay out of the market of the church, but not for the church to stay out of government.

Freedom of religion is an amendment to the U.S. Constitution which states that Congress was not to make a law for or against the practice of a certain religion, or to restrict the practice of it.

If we let the ACLU Full fill their goal of total elimination of God from our nations motto, our songs, our money, our commitment, our cemetery, our national monuments, then we have lost some 'of our freedom of speech as well as our Christian rights. This domain may be a minority and not what most Americans want.

With the influence of Judaism and Christianity, this nation is moral decay. And if he is silenced for ever in public, our children have no idea of their heritage, where it comes from or what it means to have God given inalienable right to freedom endowed by their Creator God.

There must be a difference between right and wrong, and if we think we've learned the difference in the first place? It always comes back to what the American system of justice was based on the Ten Commandments. And who gave them? GOD! And so, since we realize that, then why is it that when something is morally wrong for the ACLU is the first to file suite for defense, instead of what is right?

They also want to reduce the legal distinction of the traditional family (a woman a man), as ordained by God This undermines the morale even more. They noted the legal age of sexual consent to be lowered to 13 or 14 years of children. "Your tax dollars at work!" That's right, funded by the federal government. We are paying them to do this, whether we like it or not, if you are a believer or non - believer.

Folks, it's time to test before it is too late! All of us, believers or not, enjoy the freedom this nation has to offer, and we can all live peacefully together here. It is still not too late to repair the damage he has caused. If we continue on the path of removing God in America, why should he continue to bless this? And none of us may even want to live here if you do not bless him. Could turn into another Iraq, where war is in your backyard!

But then, I am a man who believes that there is a God who created us, loves us and wants us to love our neighbor as ourselves. And what could be wrong with that concept?

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