Saturday, July 28, 2012

Evolutionists atheists and agnostics The Worst Gamblers in the World

I saw the chance of having the right amino acids and other components coming together from the primordial soup and the creation of life calculated mathematically. It produces a number followed by many zeros that if I used the smallest font on my computer it would take the rest of this article to write, plus hundreds of pages to record them all.

Mathematics is a much more exact science of some others there is little room for speculation, the pontifical declarations or what is commonly called the first postulate of philosophy. This is what is commonly used by evolutionists, archaeologists, paleontologists and others when making statements about the beginning of life. In simple language, the scientists who use the first postulation of making statements that require faith to believe - just like a preacher who proclaims the Gospel.

I never did well in math. It seemed that I could understand the value of literature and philosophy better. But I am not so foolish as to ignore the results of the crowd mathematics. In fact, I rather respect them and their discoveries no-nonsense.

Probability for or against something, you give great credibility now. E 'possible to release or to condemn an innocent man guilty. Shares some DNA as being the same as someone else is reason enough to leave or convicted in a trial. Why then, do not ignore the odds when it comes to issues like the beginning of life or what happens at the end of life?

Being ignorant does not always mean they are dumb. We can say that, while it can be superbly intelligent six ignoring some facts or figures evident. Often ignore these facts is due to a previous postulate of philosophy. So what? This is a pre-disposal or mentality to believe something you were taught, something you have read or even a conviction on the company that is attached to yourself without any review and control. Here's an example.

Long before the advent of mathematical computer were able to calculate the odds. At the end of World War eschatologist a famous, Mr. Clarence Larkin had some mathematicians do some calculations for him. They calculated that the events that took place in the last 24 hours in the life of Christ fulfilled Old Testament prophecies about him took place against the odds of 53,000,000 to 1 in favor. In other words, no one but Jesus Christ could fulfill these prophecies like him. So why do people still bent on trying to prove that these events were not accurate or historical value at all? Would these same people go to Las Vegas and shoot craps, spin the roulette wheel or play poker with the odds against them this? Not likely.

The odds were against me in my historical geology class when I told my college professor that I would have given the answers he wanted the quizzes and tests, even though I do not believe a word he was saying. He was a gentleman and he passed me because he respected my position. I respect him for it, but it saddens me to see a brilliant man hindered from his first philosophical postulates. To say nothing of her complete ignorance of the second law of thermodynamics or entropy. So what?

Nothing in the physical changes from a less complicated atomic or molecular state to a more complex if left to itself, this is commonly referred to as entropy. This means that things are not going to be squirming amoeba in a pool of mud for hundreds of thousands of species of living beings. Entropy says that just does not happen.

Other scientists are not so willing to suspend the law of entropy have said in another way. Considering that the right amino acids just found each other randomly and produced all life as we know it is a very special plane. We call it Plan News. Flies overhead at 20,000 feet and throws out a load of such news. When the type hits the ground just happens to be the most recent complete edition of the New York Times today. What are the odds for this, I do not know, but do not take those odds in Las Vegas is.

Not being my mathematical calculations are very simple but I would not play against the chance that I discovered. Most atheists, agnostics and evolutionists think that when you're dead, you're just that, dead, a sort of Big Nothing black. Since Jesus was clear on a real heaven and hell that means that this group thinks there is a possibility that could be wrong. That gives them the opportunity to come out OK fifty percent.

The Christian believes that it is appointed once for man to die and then there is a trial. Hebrews 9:27. Those judges will be sent to either heaven or hell. They choose to believe and are saved by their faith, Ephesians 2:8, 9 If you are wrong at least still get the same big black void of atheists, but Hellfire. If they are right to spend eternity with God and with millions of others, where there is no war Mare, suffering and tears. Whether right or wrong can not lose. Do the math.

I'm not trying to say that people should believe in Christ and His finished work on the cross because of some mathematical calculations, its still a matter of heart. What I'm saying is that with a rate of fifty percent, agnostics, atheists and evolutionists are the poorest players in the world. The odds are not the only thing that is scary, but consider the stakes. You can only pay that bet with your eternal soul, the money is not accepted, no, not Visa and MasterCard!

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