Monday, July 2, 2012

Health Fanatics smoking as the new religion

Should I be smoking? Probably not. It makes me smoke damage? Most definitely is. Does not require a genius or infinite set of research papers to know that inhaling smoke that contains many chemicals at high temperature in very delicate lungs, is of no benefit whatsoever and is to be positively harmful. On top of all that is becoming increasingly expensive. So why do it?

And 'harmful to others? We have been inundated with statistics showing that passive smoking is harmful. I worry a little about how these statistics are collected. Think about how you should do? Want to simply rely on the answer people's questions? How exactly are causal links established when there are no scientific studies have been carried out properly ..

To determine the effects of passive smoking, you should first consider all other air pollutants that individuals are exposed during their normal daily life. traffic fumes, aerosols, fire, pollen, dust, and the list goes on and is very extensive. Tobacco smoke is one of the pollutants are exposed to us. Then it takes several thousands of individuals of similar age, height and weight distributed evenly between the sexes. In your group you should try before several hundred of these are exposed to all potential pollutants, the latter are exposed to all but one, the third group are all exposed to a different bar and so on. Then you have a second trial in which a group are exposed to all, a second group are exposed to anyone and then a series of other groups are exposed to a single pollutant. You then follow their medical histories for a period of several years.

Unable course we have to rely on data that were collected by questionnaires and autopsies and apocryphal stories.

How many people contract lung cancer who never smoked and has never been exposed to smoke? We never come with this figure because it was of interest to any of our researchers. Discussions in the statistics are bandied about as if they were final and absolute truth. When in reality they are simply an interpretation of people a series of data .. How good is that interpretation depends on how the data were collected and we are never told.

I am not suggesting that smoking or passive smoking is not harmful, but sitting in traffic jams can not be too good for you either. I only wish that the health lobby would stop trying to push their agenda down my throat Their whole time because that then gives politicians an excuse to interfere in our daily lives all the more with laws tells us what we can and can not do, and frankly I grew up with their constant preaching and interference. It appears that it has become a substitute for religion, but instead of hellfire and damnation awaiting a violator of the basic rules rather than now Have fines and political preaching. I use smoking as an example but there are many others like obesity, which could have been used.

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