Sunday, July 22, 2012

Benefits of Yoga - The Christian point of view

The benefits of yoga is twofold - to health and a greater unification of the spirit with the body. It is accomplished through the use of many different aspects, but especially through the combination of asanas, or postures, and breathing / meditation practices.

This raises the question many in the Christian community. In my research for this article, I was very surprised the standpoint of Christian apologists, and their take on yoga and its practice. I hesitated to write this article because of this view. However, I consider that question and the position of Christian reflection on the subject warrants community.

Yoga has a history dating back over five thousand years, for the beginning of human civilization. Little is known really Yoga. It is believed to have originated in Mehrgarh, a Neolithic settlement in what is now Afghanistan. Scholars believe that grew out of Stone Age Shamanism. In this first period of the origins of civilization, yoga is a community resource because of its attempts to establish cosmic order through inner vision, and apply to everyday living. In subsequent years, yoga evolved into an internal dialogue through which the Yogi tried to develop their own salvation and enlightenment.

Archaeological evidence of the existence of yoga the first time in stone seals excavated from the Indus Valley. And 'painting of figures in many yoga asanas or postures, and officially put Yoga in the period around 3000 BC More importantly, yoga also linked to the great Indus-Sarasvati civilization, a period in time that was considered modern and efficient.

The Indus-Sarasvati civilization came ancient texts known as the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of the world. The Vedas are a collection of hymns that praises a higher power and contains the oldest written history of teaching yoga. The Vedas requested the practitioner to transcend human limitations, and to reach a higher spiritual plane. In subsequent years, the texts known as the Brahmanas were written to explain the rituals and hymns of the Vedas. Following this was Aranyakas texts, which outlined the practice of Yogi who live in the solitude of the forest. This led to the beginnings of medical tradition of India known as Ayurveda. All in all, turned into a yoga practice for health, harmony of spirit, and a way of life.

The Christian point of view is - if you open your mind to think and clearer insight, opens the soul to demonic possession. It is believed that the boundaries Yoga practice occultism, and that openness of mind and spirit, to the benefit of yoga is both dangerous and against everything that Christianity preaches. Christians believe that yoga study is similar to practice Hinduism, and one can not separate the philosophy of Hinduism by their Christian faith, regardless of the health benefits of yoga.

As a Buddhist practitioner, I agree with this view. For me, knows this tunnel vision and narrow-mindedness. A Christian should open their hearts and minds to Jesus, and to yield to the spirit of the Lord. They have to rely on blind faith, and accept the word of God as the only truth in the world. A person who thinks he found it hypocritical for Christians on the one hand preach that Yoga should be avoided because opening the mind to a clearer vision encourages the possibility of demonic possession, but instead preaches that you must open your mind and the heart to accept Jesus in their lives. Open your heart and mind is this - if it is to look within themselves, or to accept Jesus in their lives. If, as Christians, preach, we are open to demonic possession, if we look inside ourselves and open mind to all possibilities, as then we can safely open their hearts to the concept of Christianity? There is a goalkeeper who makes that decision when we do so that determines which path we must follow? I think not ...

For the record, I was raised in a Christian family. My father was the deacon of a Baptist church in the small farming community where we lived. My mother, who taught us children to question everything, moved from the Baptist community for the Assembly of God churches, and was ostracized by my father. I think his day he died, my father resented this narrow-mindedness. Life is a matter of choice, and my mother believed that there are required to operate with the illusion of a blind faith, but to do what is just us as individuals. And that's why walk the Noble 8 fold Path. It 's just a matter of choice, and to question everything in this universe.

I believe that the practice of yoga is a good thing. It gives us great health benefits, clearer vision, and harmony in our souls. And in this day and age, what else is there? Whether you be Christian, Muslim or Buddhist, we should not disrespect the feelings and thoughts of others, their rights to practice as they please, or try to push down our throats others' opinions. To live in harmony is exactly what ...

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