Friday, July 27, 2012

Article Submission Sites: Why Can not I use images?!

I wrote articles and stories on the Internet for a couple of years now and I came to realize that there is something very wrong with today's article submission sites. If you write articles for newspapers or magazines you may have noticed that most of the stories are photographs or images that accompany the text. It adds another dimension to the story, piquing interest in words that might otherwise be touched and was only to be ignored as another of an endless number of articles. Extremely valuable information could be lost to our consciousness, and for our community on the Internet. The photos were used in the 'card' for decades if not centuries. We expect a challenging aesthetic presence when something new and interesting shows for the company. So, why is it possible that this part of the most modern methods for the written word does not allow images?

My company supports my articles to article repositories over a hundred sites on the Internet. I recently started working in a collaborative effort with a chart that drew on both the cartoons and Flash animations to go with the stories. It 's remarkable to say that only a fifth of the sites would accept a picture with the piece, while only one twentieth the flash animation would be used. This could be regarded as an outrage. Personally, I must admit that I simply judged as a sign that the World Wide Web is in many ways still a child, or better yet, a pregnancy the unborn.

Why are the article submission sites have a problem with having the images in the text? It could be that too much to worry about the added cost of disk-space and bandwidth needed to upload photos? I do not know, but if you're reading this I urge you that if you want people to come visit your site several times, you need to make it useful. The content is the most important aspect of the Internet, but people get tired of looking at pages full of boring text. Imagine buying a magazine these days has only words, photos and pictures have been deleted for the sake of experiment. No one wants it, I mean, half the time is the movie you are looking for in the first place, or are what inspire you to read a specific story, ignoring the others.

If you are a webmaster of a website article submission, please go to and leave a comment so that I may know why when it comes to publishing my works, we still live in the past ' old '.

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