Sunday, July 29, 2012

America, land of the free, Home Of The Brave!

"But for how long?" We send our brave men and women to fight in a foreign land, while we allow certain anti Christian government officials gradually chip away and remove the vary "god given" freedoms that we sent to defend them!

We have allowed the Bible to be removed from our public schools while we allowed the "theory" of evolution to be forcibly taught to our children look at incidents like Columbine and feel a woman who lost a son in a school shooting say God, how could you let this happen? YOUR ANSWER: You said God was not allowed in schools! Now it is easier to do it in secret weapons and explosives in a public school, than it is to read a Bible there, and the ACLU did not file a lawsuit for bringing a gun or bomb to school, but it sure is if you bring a Bible.

The U.S. judicial system, in the classroom you are asked to swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God! " On the Bible, and The Ten Commandments were just ordered by the court audience. "The same principles that have just been asked to swear to tell the truth!" With the removal of the Ten Commandments which underpin the American justice system, and our great country was founded, you have just allowed the hope of all justice to be removed from the halls of American justice!

When I was in school, they taught us to be faithful to our country. We were shoulder to shoulder as the young Americans, and recited the Pledge of Allegiance, the way it was originally conceived, One nation under God, for those of you who don 't remember. "God is a free country" This is what our brave men and women of the armed forces are fighting and dying for!

There are only two ways of being right or wrong. So if we are right in OT to send our men and women to fight for our "God given freedom," Is not there so wrong for them to remove the name of God from public life?

The agenda of the ACLU is to make the United States reflect a non - believers view of the foundation of nations and the future existence.

They sued to get our national motto "In God We Trust" removed from our currency, One Nation Under God removed from the Pledge of Allegiance, the war memorial cross removed and the white headstones in the cemetery of all government as Arlington certainly be in their line of fire as well.

The ten commandments of Moses was given by God has been forcibly removed all form all government buildings and our government should reflect a religious vision is not atheistic in all public places. Why are they so ashamed of their God-given freedom? This was the legacy of the fore fathers wanted to pass on to all future generations!

Throughout history we read out all of the sacrifices that our ancestors did as they fought and died to keep us all free. George Washington ordered his troops every day, starting the day with the collection of all the officers and troops together and pray. Praying to God Almighty to make them victorious in battle, and for the safety of men.

The first Continental Congress in 1774 adopted a motion to pause for prayer to ask for support and guidance following a report of the British invasion of Boston. The prayer was composed of 35 Psalms of the Bible.

A national day of fasting was initiated by Congress to ask for Gods forgiveness for the sins of American soldiers engaged in war. Church services were held in the U.S. Capitol where Jefferson was in the Marines and the band provided the music at the expense of taxpayers. Church services were held in the building of the Supreme Court for many years.

Separation of church and state means, the government has never been a strength of any single religion to be recognized as a choice at the national or federal courts, as it was in England. Instead, it was to recognize the practice of different religions and do not prohibit the exercise of it. In short, the government was to stay out of the market of the church, but not for the church to stay out of government.

Freedom of religion is an amendment to the U.S. Constitution which states that Congress was not to make a law for or against the practice of a certain religion, or to restrict the practice of it.

If we let the ACLU Full fill their goal of total elimination of God from our nations motto, our songs, our money, our commitment, our cemetery, our national monuments, then we have lost some 'of our freedom of speech as well as our Christian rights. This domain may be a minority and not what most Americans want.

With the influence of Judaism and Christianity, this nation is moral decay. And if he is silenced for ever in public, our children have no idea of their heritage, where it comes from or what it means to have God given inalienable right to freedom endowed by their Creator God.

There must be a difference between right and wrong, and if we think we've learned the difference in the first place? It always comes back to what the American system of justice was based on the Ten Commandments. And who gave them? GOD! And so, since we realize that, then why is it that when something is morally wrong for the ACLU is the first to file suite for defense, instead of what is right?

They also want to reduce the legal distinction of the traditional family (a woman a man), as ordained by God This undermines the morale even more. They noted the legal age of sexual consent to be lowered to 13 or 14 years of children. "Your tax dollars at work!" That's right, funded by the federal government. We are paying them to do this, whether we like it or not, if you are a believer or non - believer.

Folks, it's time to test before it is too late! All of us, believers or not, enjoy the freedom this nation has to offer, and we can all live peacefully together here. It is still not too late to repair the damage he has caused. If we continue on the path of removing God in America, why should he continue to bless this? And none of us may even want to live here if you do not bless him. Could turn into another Iraq, where war is in your backyard!

But then, I am a man who believes that there is a God who created us, loves us and wants us to love our neighbor as ourselves. And what could be wrong with that concept?

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Evolutionists atheists and agnostics The Worst Gamblers in the World

I saw the chance of having the right amino acids and other components coming together from the primordial soup and the creation of life calculated mathematically. It produces a number followed by many zeros that if I used the smallest font on my computer it would take the rest of this article to write, plus hundreds of pages to record them all.

Mathematics is a much more exact science of some others there is little room for speculation, the pontifical declarations or what is commonly called the first postulate of philosophy. This is what is commonly used by evolutionists, archaeologists, paleontologists and others when making statements about the beginning of life. In simple language, the scientists who use the first postulation of making statements that require faith to believe - just like a preacher who proclaims the Gospel.

I never did well in math. It seemed that I could understand the value of literature and philosophy better. But I am not so foolish as to ignore the results of the crowd mathematics. In fact, I rather respect them and their discoveries no-nonsense.

Probability for or against something, you give great credibility now. E 'possible to release or to condemn an innocent man guilty. Shares some DNA as being the same as someone else is reason enough to leave or convicted in a trial. Why then, do not ignore the odds when it comes to issues like the beginning of life or what happens at the end of life?

Being ignorant does not always mean they are dumb. We can say that, while it can be superbly intelligent six ignoring some facts or figures evident. Often ignore these facts is due to a previous postulate of philosophy. So what? This is a pre-disposal or mentality to believe something you were taught, something you have read or even a conviction on the company that is attached to yourself without any review and control. Here's an example.

Long before the advent of mathematical computer were able to calculate the odds. At the end of World War eschatologist a famous, Mr. Clarence Larkin had some mathematicians do some calculations for him. They calculated that the events that took place in the last 24 hours in the life of Christ fulfilled Old Testament prophecies about him took place against the odds of 53,000,000 to 1 in favor. In other words, no one but Jesus Christ could fulfill these prophecies like him. So why do people still bent on trying to prove that these events were not accurate or historical value at all? Would these same people go to Las Vegas and shoot craps, spin the roulette wheel or play poker with the odds against them this? Not likely.

The odds were against me in my historical geology class when I told my college professor that I would have given the answers he wanted the quizzes and tests, even though I do not believe a word he was saying. He was a gentleman and he passed me because he respected my position. I respect him for it, but it saddens me to see a brilliant man hindered from his first philosophical postulates. To say nothing of her complete ignorance of the second law of thermodynamics or entropy. So what?

Nothing in the physical changes from a less complicated atomic or molecular state to a more complex if left to itself, this is commonly referred to as entropy. This means that things are not going to be squirming amoeba in a pool of mud for hundreds of thousands of species of living beings. Entropy says that just does not happen.

Other scientists are not so willing to suspend the law of entropy have said in another way. Considering that the right amino acids just found each other randomly and produced all life as we know it is a very special plane. We call it Plan News. Flies overhead at 20,000 feet and throws out a load of such news. When the type hits the ground just happens to be the most recent complete edition of the New York Times today. What are the odds for this, I do not know, but do not take those odds in Las Vegas is.

Not being my mathematical calculations are very simple but I would not play against the chance that I discovered. Most atheists, agnostics and evolutionists think that when you're dead, you're just that, dead, a sort of Big Nothing black. Since Jesus was clear on a real heaven and hell that means that this group thinks there is a possibility that could be wrong. That gives them the opportunity to come out OK fifty percent.

The Christian believes that it is appointed once for man to die and then there is a trial. Hebrews 9:27. Those judges will be sent to either heaven or hell. They choose to believe and are saved by their faith, Ephesians 2:8, 9 If you are wrong at least still get the same big black void of atheists, but Hellfire. If they are right to spend eternity with God and with millions of others, where there is no war Mare, suffering and tears. Whether right or wrong can not lose. Do the math.

I'm not trying to say that people should believe in Christ and His finished work on the cross because of some mathematical calculations, its still a matter of heart. What I'm saying is that with a rate of fifty percent, agnostics, atheists and evolutionists are the poorest players in the world. The odds are not the only thing that is scary, but consider the stakes. You can only pay that bet with your eternal soul, the money is not accepted, no, not Visa and MasterCard!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Article Submission Sites: Why Can not I use images?!

I wrote articles and stories on the Internet for a couple of years now and I came to realize that there is something very wrong with today's article submission sites. If you write articles for newspapers or magazines you may have noticed that most of the stories are photographs or images that accompany the text. It adds another dimension to the story, piquing interest in words that might otherwise be touched and was only to be ignored as another of an endless number of articles. Extremely valuable information could be lost to our consciousness, and for our community on the Internet. The photos were used in the 'card' for decades if not centuries. We expect a challenging aesthetic presence when something new and interesting shows for the company. So, why is it possible that this part of the most modern methods for the written word does not allow images?

My company supports my articles to article repositories over a hundred sites on the Internet. I recently started working in a collaborative effort with a chart that drew on both the cartoons and Flash animations to go with the stories. It 's remarkable to say that only a fifth of the sites would accept a picture with the piece, while only one twentieth the flash animation would be used. This could be regarded as an outrage. Personally, I must admit that I simply judged as a sign that the World Wide Web is in many ways still a child, or better yet, a pregnancy the unborn.

Why are the article submission sites have a problem with having the images in the text? It could be that too much to worry about the added cost of disk-space and bandwidth needed to upload photos? I do not know, but if you're reading this I urge you that if you want people to come visit your site several times, you need to make it useful. The content is the most important aspect of the Internet, but people get tired of looking at pages full of boring text. Imagine buying a magazine these days has only words, photos and pictures have been deleted for the sake of experiment. No one wants it, I mean, half the time is the movie you are looking for in the first place, or are what inspire you to read a specific story, ignoring the others.

If you are a webmaster of a website article submission, please go to and leave a comment so that I may know why when it comes to publishing my works, we still live in the past ' old '.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Cigarette Chart Toppers

We are actually moving toward a world without tobacco? Europeans are spearheading such a move and it seems that the people of Hong Kong, or maybe just their government, are about to tag along and kill all the fun for the fan of nic. Oh well, too bad for tourists who just can not help but puff smoke wherever they are. In any case, it is only in public places like bars and pubs. Just do it at the hotel if needed.

Why do people still smoke cigarettes? The research says that taste is not as claimed by the alleged big tobacco companies worldwide. The smoke has more of an appeal of a physiological psychology. Every cloud of cigarette smoke makes the feel good factor that many people become addicted to do. To put it simply, smoking is a hell of a lot of fun.

Expectedly, the statistics on cigarette smoking reflect this trend in full swing. All this fuss that smoking activists across the Atlantic and Asia are doing does not seem to have an effect on the market. sales of cigarettes to remain in the stratosphere. Ministries of health worldwide and the World Health Organisation are in arms against big tobacco companies. So much for aggressive government campaign to non-smokers.

Brands such as the all too familiar Mild Seven and Camel have dominated the charts with billions of cartons of cigarettes sold and burned. To give you an idea to check these statistics on the top 10 cigarette brands in the market today.

Brand Sticks sold (in billions) Manufacturer
475 Marlboro Philip Morris
132 Winston Reynolds
Mild Seven 121 Japan Tobacco
Camel 119.8 Reynolds
L & M 91 Philip Morris
Cleopatra 61 Eastern Tobacco
38 Philip Morris Philip Morris
31 Newport Lorillard
Yava 31 British American Tobacco

Even the young are always used as demonstrated by a recent study on American teenagers eighth, 10 and 12 degrees. Marlboro is still by far the most popular in this segment, followed by Newport and Camel. Trailing in fourth place is the best brands Parliament following the fifth and sixth place are Winston and Kool. Remarkably the first three are the most heavily advertised brands in the industry ensuring you remember the name. This is Marlboro country after all. Hail to the Marlboro Man!

Non-smokers might ask, where's the fun in that? It 's just taking in polluted air. Oh no, is not only good friends. Once again research tells us that the smoking habit is a manifestation of our innate and universal desire for self-expression. Sounds too scientific? Let me explain. Each of us, whether you're going through your midlife crisis or the height of his career, he has yet, if I may call it, a legacy of your childhood. We want to be careless and get away from all the troubles of our life more complicated that comes with our age. Apparently a lot of things are worrying a lot of people these days that smoking has also become more fashionable because it gives a person a few precious minutes of an activity without problems after hours of strenuous or mentally exhaust work. Call it a cigarette break. A cup of aromatic coffee can go with that.

Besides that, cigarettes are a form of self-reward. It is something you give yourself. Once again, to feel that pleasure proverbial after a job well done. Have you noticed how many people does this office? Petty as it may seem, but people do become small at times. A fun easy does the trick without much hassle. It also allows different people especially in bars and pubs or even into an alley to meet strangers and make new friends, sharing cigarettes and lighters. It 'a social tool that, in my view, already created a lot of unexpected relationships, believe it or not. Smoking activity ties together as a club, perhaps. What's more, but I prefer not to draw the ire of the government!

Most of us buy our cigarettes from our reliable neighborhood convenience store or Wal-Mart if we are out shopping with mom for the weekend. But hey, do not know, not just electronics or airline tickets are available on the Internet today is too cigarettes! Now, how much cheaper you can get? For geeks and similarly the chain-smoking cigarettes are now mouse clicks away. Camel, Marlboro, or most other popular brands are available on the World Wide Web that will be delivered right at your fingertips immediately No shorter trips to the neighborhood store or Wal-Mart.

Moreover, these companies offer lots of discounts for smoke Belcher perennial man. Quite a temptation for those who desperately want to quit. Good grief, now stop it became quite a bit 'more difficult. Get a cane has become effortless, fast and incredibly cheap. If this is not attractive enough, these companies guarantee that they are not blabber mouths so that personal information or your vital statistics will not be found in the archives of the government.

Even better, is their offer to purchase wholesale. Bring home a long caravan of camels Camel cigarettes and other brands at bargain prices that would surely love. With a good credit limit, you can fill your pantry with boxes and boxes of cigarettes that could last until your beloved kingdom. Get this, they are factory fresh so you do not enjoy having a cigarette ever more disgusting! With this discount all you can now start saving for a routine visit to the doctor, some medicine and tax lawyer, if ever you decide to sue your loved Tobacco Company. Just kidding.

Keep your burning lighters, you will need them today, have fun! A tip, just remember to throw your tons of cigarette butts in the trash, and stay away from your children and those who just do not love your smoking habit as much as you.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Gay cowboy and Other Hollywood Philosophies

The whole country is talking about the film Brokeback Mountain and has created no small stir. In a Sunday morning TV editorial Charles Osgood pointed out that Hollywood is not tying to put forth a liberal gay program but are interested only in bottom line - money. Although he has raised, it sounded like capture the minds of adults or poisoning the minds of our youth was just an accessory that happened on the way to the bank.

For over thirty years I felt that not only what we see on film that we can influence. Each film has a philosophy attached to it if it was planned or not. Sex, violence and profanity are blaringly obvious, but the philosophies are not subtle. Today philosophies are increasingly evident and are much less subtle. The race for cash Box Office is not all this before the fuel indefinitely kind of expression in the film industry.

The mention of any control (including self-control) is met with cries of violated First Amendment rights and freedom of expression old hype. It may seem a bit 'longer used, but it is still true that Hollywood has never bothered to tell the difference between freedom and license.

A recent survey found that only one in a thousand Americans knows all the rights our Constitution provides for them. On average, the survey said that most people can name only one of our constitutional rights. In contrast to this fact, it was discovered that the same people who can name three or more characters from the animated sitcom "The Simpsons." The bottom line says that filmmakers know what their rights, but the movie viewing public, or doesn 't have a clue or simply do not care.

Anyone who thinks that TV and movies do not influence our society to live in another country. But this is not true. Another survey recently found that one reason that almost all major countries of the world hates Americans is because the film industry. Everyone knows that America is what they see in movies. Immorality, frivolous romance, rebellion, crime, gay cowboys and general chaos, that's all you see. Each country tries to maintain order and develop would naturally reject this kind of example and that is what they do.

We get Hollywood's attention on this, not so far, but maybe we could get them on their way to the bank and let them know. It is estimated that Americans spend on average fifteen years of their entire lives watching TV and movies. Perhaps it is reasonable to think John Q public to watch television is going to take any time from their grasp some fifteen years of Hollywood producers on their way to the bank. Maybe you could complain a bit 'during the commercials, which include five of the fifteen years of their TV and movie watching life.

Actors and other film professionals are paid large sums of money to do and say things that most Americans believe should never be seen or spoken. We are showing our mind, or is art imitating life rather than flattery. I suppose when actors or actors are offered small fortunes to behave and speak evil must think they are experiencing right. They too probably laugh all the way to the bank. Most Americans do not act like Hollywood actors, but can afford to do them anyway they choose.

Everything seems OK, if in the end (the trip to the bank) seems to justify the means. Some Americans are a bit 'sick of Hollywood that tells you how to live, instead of representing the way they actually live. The Bible is not sick with anything, but has much to say about human behavior as the patient can become. Perhaps it is best told by the Bible whether Hollywood is listening or not. There is a way that seems right unto a man, but in the end are the ways of death. Proverbs 14:12

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Marketing Conundrum

Ignoring the problem or folded out on it is not going to make it go away. I refer to the sad state of affairs of modern popular culture and how far from authenticity we have sunk in our search for meaning in life. Much of the world is entering what is called the 'Bread and Circus phase' of an empire in decline. A phase worried binging credit, fiat money and entertainment. The Romans went through a similar period of decline, Nero fiddling while Rome burned.

Then as now, there are many people out there in the narrowly focused world, with money to spend who just want to have fun. Not a damn for the dignity, the synergy built or social discourse. Reading, the News Now, National Public Radio, debates ... how boring. Glamour, Glitter and action, here is where is. Seeking diversion in fun and games is a sign of the times, and noble or not, the clever marketing may realize that there is a lot of money to be made catering to the Praetorian.

To be successful online as offline, or when selling a product or service, there must be a market for what you are selling. Pointing the multi-billion dollar global market, entertainment, internet marketers of any fool can focus on one of the largest and still exponentially growing markets available, second only to the porn industry. This market is full of people who are looking for exciting new products that have to do with gambling, sports, celebrity, lotteries, glitz, gossip, or any combination.

The enigma, or perhaps we should call it hypocrisy, is that many of us claim to justice when it comes to telling the online sale sleazy sex but do not hesitate to take the money people to imagine any other scam until it's jail. The fact is that people go for groped to fill the void in their lives by throwing money away whether we, as astute observers, are there or not allow them a bit '. When gambling is illegal, does not cure people with the desire to beat the odds, despite common sense and logic, is only passion has driven underground, and enriched and promoted a nasty criminal element to deal with them. At least now, as with lotteries, it is a tax idiocy, and we are no longer our brothers keepers.

There is no reason I can think of not putting that money to better use, and I can only do so if it's in your pocket. Foolish people with too much freedom and too little self-control or respect for themselves, are bent on aggressively seeking vicarious emotions, so who am I to deny them. Standing on a stage extolling the virtues of saving and breeding only earn me scorn and derision. Since I am in the business of marketing high-level, there is a mantra that I will observe the implementation of these 'products' and that is to provide variety, selection and quality to the customer.

When all is said and done, the restoration of human weaknesses in this way may actually be more honest and sincere respect today against scams and corporations, Wall Street or the political mainstream. In this regard, then, for me to find more professional and legitimate programs available to offer my clients because my reputation and business ethics are at stake, long-term credibility and viability primordial being.

Gambling and celebrity worship were traditionally the responsibility of the sharkskin suit and gold chain set, but with the advent of the Internet, anyone can enter the game. But this company as any other, to be ultimately be required to provide a necessary service honestly and with integrity. The business model needs to be addressed and structured to be open and the sunlight and for the persons providing the service and those participating in it. There's a lot of money to be made from a lost world for the grace of a higher pursuits ... but you can not deny the mad pursuit of happiness. To this end, I offer a vehicle that offers professionalism and good sense in which these phenomenon. Join with me, visiting There is plenty of room for all of us to participate in the redistribution of that wealth. I definitely frown on suppliers who exploit others for personal gain, however, if our potential customers want to exploit themselves, it is a matter of their own interest.

Monday, July 23, 2012

The beginning of the end for the power of French unions?

There is a long tradition of militancy in France when it comes to jobs or anything that affects the rights of workers. I think that this is probably the first step to try to break the power of trade unions currently enjoy in France.

Britain was in a similar situation in 1980 with the trade unions can exert massive influence and control policy of the nation. Then came the now famous Miners 'Strike' that changed the political landscape in Britain forever. The police were deployed en masse against stikers and security services have been introduced to raise problems on picket lines and against union leaders, and the power of government was used to break the strike also rushed-through legislation anti- union.

Ironic then, that natural gas prices are now going through the roof when Britain abandoned 300 years worth of coal reserves to close the entire mining industry.

However, it worked for the government is concerned and the trade unions in Britain have all been sterilized effectively, their power went, enabling massive changes in climate in the UK.

For some, this became a double-edged sword. Long-term growth and economic stability is the main benefit for the whole country but the main downside is a higher unemployment (official figures are 'massaged') and greater poverty for most people. Today, approx. third of the UK population one hour require some form of state assistance to reach the minimum living standard set by the UK Government and European legislation, including many who work at low pay.

With the impending pension crisis dominates the horizon and the French public spending in France ever spiraling welfare, there is not much choice for the French government, in addition to break the unions grip 'on the country.

Expect to see a lot more violence and a general dissatisfaction with the will of the French government is opposed against the will of trade unions in the country.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Benefits of Yoga - The Christian point of view

The benefits of yoga is twofold - to health and a greater unification of the spirit with the body. It is accomplished through the use of many different aspects, but especially through the combination of asanas, or postures, and breathing / meditation practices.

This raises the question many in the Christian community. In my research for this article, I was very surprised the standpoint of Christian apologists, and their take on yoga and its practice. I hesitated to write this article because of this view. However, I consider that question and the position of Christian reflection on the subject warrants community.

Yoga has a history dating back over five thousand years, for the beginning of human civilization. Little is known really Yoga. It is believed to have originated in Mehrgarh, a Neolithic settlement in what is now Afghanistan. Scholars believe that grew out of Stone Age Shamanism. In this first period of the origins of civilization, yoga is a community resource because of its attempts to establish cosmic order through inner vision, and apply to everyday living. In subsequent years, yoga evolved into an internal dialogue through which the Yogi tried to develop their own salvation and enlightenment.

Archaeological evidence of the existence of yoga the first time in stone seals excavated from the Indus Valley. And 'painting of figures in many yoga asanas or postures, and officially put Yoga in the period around 3000 BC More importantly, yoga also linked to the great Indus-Sarasvati civilization, a period in time that was considered modern and efficient.

The Indus-Sarasvati civilization came ancient texts known as the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of the world. The Vedas are a collection of hymns that praises a higher power and contains the oldest written history of teaching yoga. The Vedas requested the practitioner to transcend human limitations, and to reach a higher spiritual plane. In subsequent years, the texts known as the Brahmanas were written to explain the rituals and hymns of the Vedas. Following this was Aranyakas texts, which outlined the practice of Yogi who live in the solitude of the forest. This led to the beginnings of medical tradition of India known as Ayurveda. All in all, turned into a yoga practice for health, harmony of spirit, and a way of life.

The Christian point of view is - if you open your mind to think and clearer insight, opens the soul to demonic possession. It is believed that the boundaries Yoga practice occultism, and that openness of mind and spirit, to the benefit of yoga is both dangerous and against everything that Christianity preaches. Christians believe that yoga study is similar to practice Hinduism, and one can not separate the philosophy of Hinduism by their Christian faith, regardless of the health benefits of yoga.

As a Buddhist practitioner, I agree with this view. For me, knows this tunnel vision and narrow-mindedness. A Christian should open their hearts and minds to Jesus, and to yield to the spirit of the Lord. They have to rely on blind faith, and accept the word of God as the only truth in the world. A person who thinks he found it hypocritical for Christians on the one hand preach that Yoga should be avoided because opening the mind to a clearer vision encourages the possibility of demonic possession, but instead preaches that you must open your mind and the heart to accept Jesus in their lives. Open your heart and mind is this - if it is to look within themselves, or to accept Jesus in their lives. If, as Christians, preach, we are open to demonic possession, if we look inside ourselves and open mind to all possibilities, as then we can safely open their hearts to the concept of Christianity? There is a goalkeeper who makes that decision when we do so that determines which path we must follow? I think not ...

For the record, I was raised in a Christian family. My father was the deacon of a Baptist church in the small farming community where we lived. My mother, who taught us children to question everything, moved from the Baptist community for the Assembly of God churches, and was ostracized by my father. I think his day he died, my father resented this narrow-mindedness. Life is a matter of choice, and my mother believed that there are required to operate with the illusion of a blind faith, but to do what is just us as individuals. And that's why walk the Noble 8 fold Path. It 's just a matter of choice, and to question everything in this universe.

I believe that the practice of yoga is a good thing. It gives us great health benefits, clearer vision, and harmony in our souls. And in this day and age, what else is there? Whether you be Christian, Muslim or Buddhist, we should not disrespect the feelings and thoughts of others, their rights to practice as they please, or try to push down our throats others' opinions. To live in harmony is exactly what ...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Suffering Servant

Will be anti-Zionist, anti-Semites blame God to encourage and enable the Jewish "monopoly" on suffering? After all, there are those who refuse to forget the horrors of the Holocaust and to warn against man's inhumanity to man, following a biblical precedent?

Does not suffer from the Jewish God of Israel sanction the creation of a holy day to commemorate the liberation from slavery in Egypt? Not the God of the Jews of Israel suffering sear the memory of mankind by creating Easter, a religious festival God commands all nations to respect? Egyptians did not enslave other peoples, as well? But who hears about them, except perhaps in a passing comment?

Not the God of Israel to dedicate a whole book to a Jewish tragedy that was averted? Does the book of Esther antisemites feel to this day that "he who touches you touches the apple of his eye? (Zechariah 2:8). Which nation has been said so? Were not threatened other nations throughout history, yet the Bible does not mention them?

And is part of a "Jewish conspiracy" for the world to mourn the death of Jesus Christ by the Romans (and Italians are not the brand to this day as "killers of Christ")? Not the Romans crucify and torture thousands of people? Christians are the biggest cry-babies? Has the death of Jesus' was exaggerated and milked for all it's worth determined by the Christians with his suffering and self-sacrifice? I'm talking foolishly (like those who think that Jews have exaggerated their poverty) to make a point.

It is not politically correct, but the truth is that not all lives are equal. Ancient Israel has recognized that the life of the king, head of the nation was more important than that of his soldiers (1 Sam. 18.3, 2 Sam. 21:17). Some people and nations have a greater influence and impact on history. It is not because of intrinsic goodness or superiority of Israel, we have been advised to believe, but because of God's overall plan and purpose. At this moment, the plan of salvation of God, the life of Jews and Israel are incomparable to any other, even as Christians (in which God's Spirit dwells) are greater and different from other human beings who are just normal (1 Cor. 2: 9-16). Here it is written: "Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his saints" (Ps 116:15; Numbers 23:10). God is not concerned with the death of all?

The big difference between Jesus and Israel (physical and spiritual) to other individuals and nations, is simply that we are children of God! (Hosea 11:1, Amos 3:02). The Bible only mentions other nations as much as they come into contact with Israel. The Bible is an ethnocentric book is all about a Focus on the Family of Jacob-Israel!

God does not record the suffering of others in this moment because for the plan of salvation is, genocide in Africa or Asia are irrelevant! And those innocent victims who suffered and died during the war by Hitler against the Jews (above) were essentially collateral damage! This is how humanity would see, but how God sees things (Isaiah 55:8-9). I'm not trying to minimize the damage, I'm just trying to put things in a biblical perspective, however unpopular.

I'm not magnifying the suffering of Israel at the expense of others, I simply point out how the Bible. Likewise the Great Tribulation is called "time of Jacob's trouble" (Jer. 30:7). It is not God, knowing that every nation on earth will suffer when nuclear bombs start falling? Yes However, at the time, other nations have sacrificed on behalf of Israel, if necessary. "I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for your ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for you. Since you were precious in my eyes, you have been honorable, and I loved you: therefore I will give men for you (individuals) and people (nations) for your life "(Isaiah 43:3-4). And again, "I am with thee, saith the Lord, to save you: if I want to make a full end of all nations where I scattered you, but I do not be an alley full of you ..." (Jeremiah 30:11).

Jesus, as an individual, and Israel, nationally, and the spiritual Church, is the Son of God on earth. We are "suffering servant" that the world is not worthy of (Isaiah 53; Heb. 11:35-38). We are the "royal priesthood" than other nations and people (Ex. 19:06; 1 Pt 2:9).

This means that we have no sin, and that other nations are more righteous or justified in persecuting us? No! God warns against this dangerous illusion: "I was angry with my people, I have polluted my inheritance, and gave them into your hands: you show them no mercy, you have the ancient, heavily laid your yoke" (Isaiah 47: 6) and "All that found them devoured them: and their adversaries said, We offend not, because they have sinned against the Lord ..." (Jer. 50:7) and "I'm very sorry grieving with the pagans who are at ease because I was disappointed, but a bit ', and helped forward the affliction "(Zechariah 1:15). I discuss this in my book, Beyond Babylon: Rise and Fall in Europe within the chapter "Europe's Fate."

Sometimes God uses to help our enemies take us back to our spiritual senses, and then judge individuals and nations proud and reminds them that they are only mortal (Isa. 10:12, Jer. 51:35). Other times, Israel has suffered unjustly in Egypt, Judah faced extermination by refusing to assimilate (Esther 3:8) and the early Christians Aquila and Priscilla were unjustly persecuted for simply being Jews and were required by law to leave Rome (Acts 18:02).

God exposes the twisted mentality of those anti-Semites, who mistakenly believe that Israel and Judah have too much power and influence and control over their lives and nations, and threaten to rebel against their "oppressors," but they will fight a losing battle against God! (Ps 2; Rev. 17:14).

Individuals and nations must come to know and recognize that God has chosen (an elected, not an elite) for his saving purposes in the final analysis, every individual and nation (Isaiah 49:22-23, Rev. 3.9) .

Thus, despite anti-Zionist, anti-Semites, cursed heresies of replacement theology and genealogy, personal and national sins, "all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, you should not go out of Sion the Deliverer, and withdraw ungodliness from Jacob "(Romans 11:26). Israel will prevail and become the light of God to all nations, like the other blessings that have been blessed!

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Charter School Wars --- Why Public Schools Hate Charter School

Many public school bureaucrats hate charter schools. It is not difficult to see why.

Charter schools embarrass local public schools. These schools often do a better job of educating students for less money. For example, in school year 1999-2000, the Ohio charter schools got $ 2,300 per pupil less in tax funds that the local public schools. Charter schools therefore spotlight no regular public schools' to provide students a decent education with more tax money owed to them.

Charter schools also taxpayers' money away from public schools. Each time a child moves to a charter school, a former public school child loses an average of $ 7,500 per year in taxes.

So what local school districts do in response? School authorities often harass charter schools by reducing funding, denying them access to educational services or equipment, putting new restrictions on existing charter schools by limiting the number of new schools, or weaken the charter-school laws.

They harass charter schools in other ways. For example, create convoluted application procedures or provide new school applicants sufficient time to process their applications. They also use city agencies, zoning commissions, fire or harass the schools with regulations. For example, Washington DC school district harassed a local charter school with a theme of asbestos which has forced the school to spend more than $ 10 million in restructuring costs. Local school districts have an arsenal of regulatory weapons with which to harass charter schools or reduce their number.

Unions initially opposed charter schools. However, when charter schools became popular, the unions changed tactics. Now grudgingly give approval to charter schools under certain conditions. Often push for control over local schools, collective bargaining for teachers, charter school, or other restrictions.

Some teacher unions have renewed their opposition to open these schools with their usual causes. The Ohio Federation of Teachers filed a lawsuit seeking to declare Ohio charter school laws unconstitutional. Ohio charter schools have been dragged into this lawsuit in order to force them to lose valuable time, money and resources on legal battles. Unions use these processes to try to stop or slow down the movement of the charter school. In addition, Washington State, and some other states still have laws Charter School in part because of strong opposition from teacher unions and other interest groups who oppose charter schools.

As a result of this harassment by state education bureaucrats, local school districts and teacher unions, there are still enough charter schools to meet demand. There is a constant waiting list of these schools, especially in low-income minority neighborhoods. In the school year 2001-02, the average charter school enrolled about 242 students. Approximately 69 percent of these schools had waiting lists average of 166 students per school, or more than half of schooling.

More than 750,000 students currently enrolled in the Charter may seem like much, but this number represents just over 1.7 per cent of forty-five million children who attend public school each year. But charter schools have been around for over ten years.

As with the good, how long will it take, if ever, for charter schools to come to your neighborhood? Fifty years? Parents should consider whether they want to wait that long while their children suffer through twelve years of public school.

Article Copyrighted © 2005 by Joel Turtel.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Public schools are Un-American

-compulsory attendance laws force parents to send their children to public schools. These laws presume that the politicians we vote into office, our agents have the right to take the liberty of parents' and inalienable rights.

Compulsory education means that America, contrary to common belief, we no longer live in the land of freedom. Local and state governments claiming the right to education of our children also claim, in effect, that possess the minds of our children, and lives for twelve years. This is a terribly arrogant demand, especially in America.

One reason public schools get away with murder, education, year after year is because local governments violate the liberty of parents 'and parents' rights with impunity. Local governments are not liable to run grocery stores, car showrooms, office supply stores, or pre-schools and private universities in America. Yet its public schools and 1 control through grade 12 education in America.

Do government officials have no right to dictate how we educate our children? To answer this question, we must examine what our founding fathers understood to be the true function of government. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson clearly stated the moral nature and purpose of government:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed .. .. "

The Declaration of Independence states that we have natural rights as human beings to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." It establishes the principle that we, the people, acting individually and by free consent, created our government only to protect and secure our natural rights as human beings. This feature is only legitimate government.

Reconsider the sentence of the Declaration says, "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." The "Government" means all persons, not just some, not a minority, not a majority. This means that all citizens, including parents, have the same inalienable rights.

This phrase means that the government is our servant, not our master. It means that we as free human beings, voluntarily grant limited powers to the government for a specific purpose, to protect our natural rights. This means that the government should have only those powers specifically granted to it for that purpose.

However, nowhere in the Constitution is the word "education" mentioned. The Constitution did not give the federal government any right or power to control how parents educate their children. Implicitly, the governments of states have no right or power or because such power would violate our fundamental freedoms.

Nature and Justice confirms that parents have the right to decide who educates their children. As parents of all species, most human parents protect and nurture their children and teach them the skills and knowledge they need to survive. Parents in all cultures make teaching their children a priority. From literacy and numeracy skills are necessary to thrive in a modern society, it is obvious that most parents will find a way to teach these skills to their children if the means are available.

Article Copyrighted © 2005 by Joel Turtel.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The absurdity of monopoly Public School

The idea that local governments should have almost total monopoly control of education of our children is not only unjust and tyrannical, it is also absurd. Children need education, yes, but they also need food, clothing and shelter. The same poor or irresponsible parents who support the public school apologists do not educate their children without compulsion, can not feed, clothe, or shelter them either.

Yet, we see local governments owning and operating supermarkets, department stores, apartments or houses. Instead, the government subsidy programs food stamp or rent temporary financial assistance to parents who are too poor to provide for their children.

When it comes to education, however, instead of giving vouchers or other temporary loans or subsidies to poor families I know can be compensated Their children's education, we have created a monster-called government-owned and operated public schools. As we noted earlier, millions of parents now pay for private nursery schools, kindergartens, and colleges for their children in a lively, competitive, free-market education.

Most parents who can not afford tuition for their children usually apply for student loans is a bank or government. Yet, for the 1st through 12th-grade education, suddenly government must intervene, treat all parents like idiots or potential rapists of children, own and operate all schools.

For more fully understand the absurdity of this system, imagine for a moment that government authorities and well-intentioned wants to make sure every child has enough to eat, that no child is "left behind" when it comes to food. To ensure this goal, local governments across the country take control of all supermarkets and grocery stores in your area.

Under this new system, bureaucrats now own and manage all food stores, and shop workers become officials of the civil service that can not be fired. Your local government then passes a new "food tax" to pay for these stores and the salaries of workers'. This fee is added to your current real estate tax bill. If you do not pay this new tax, local government officials can and will foreclose your home.

Even with this system, suppose the local Food Board forces you and your family to purchase from a particular shop. I know that you are committed to make purchases in their store, and can not be fired. As a result, they soon become indifferent to the needs of their customers. The store managers can not be fired in order to manage the stores badly. The shops can not fail because they are supported by taxes, so they give you poor service and bad food. If you want to change stores, you must ask permission from your local Food Board bureaucrat, who usually refuse your request. In addition, grocery stores changing not do much because they are all equal, all owned and operated by the same food monopoly government.

If that seems absurd to you, if you would scream bloody murder for having to endure such a system simply to buy food, why tolerate such a system when it comes to education of your children '?

Also, as we noted earlier, those we elect to office are not our agents, our teachers. They derive their powers from our consent. They should represent our interests and follow our instructions. Politicians, bureaucrats, and school authorities therefore have the same right to dictate how to educate our children as a real estate agent has to dictate who we sell our house and at what price.

The following passage from the book by Isabel Paterson, The God Machine, summarizes the appropriate response to local governments and school authorities who think they have the right to dictate how to educate your child:

"The most vindictive resentment may be expected from the pedagogic profession for any suggestion that they should be dislodged from their dictatorial position, but will be expressed mainly in epithets, such as reactionary, as mild."

However, the question for any teacher moved to such indignation, is: Do you think nobody would willingly entrust his children to you or pay for their education? Why do you have to extract fees and collect your pupils by force?

Article Copyrighted © 2005 by Joel Turtel.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Chinas Great Missed Opportunity

As a U.S. representative to the Asian Development Bank Board of Executive Directors during the first Bush administration, have repeatedly urged China to bite "the bullet" and privatize state-owned companies as soon as possible. Representatives from European and other Asian countries would just shake their heads and mutter about impatient Americans while counseling that China adopt a slow, gradual approach to privatization.

Here we are more than twelve years later and this bullet has turned into a time bomb that could derail China's impressive economic growth and a better life for its people. The fact that the majority of large enterprises in China are still owned and controlled by the Chinese government has three negative economic consequences.

First, it has stunted the growth of financial markets in China and has prevented many companies tapping the capital markets equities. Nearly 70% of the shares of China 1377 listed companies are substantially owned by the state and can not be exchanged. This is the dreaded "bump" that haunts the leadership of the Communist Party and Chinese bureaucrats anxious to private shareholders to have share prices mirror economic growth. The Shanghai Composite Index recently dipped below 1,000 for the first time since 1997. The problem is that when the government sells these shares, the private shareholders are diluted and the share price decline. The use of public funds to compensate private shareholders of this dilution was considered and rejected as too expensive.

The Chinese government announced $ 15 billion buyout fund to invest in state enterprises, but the markets are deeply skeptical. My opinion is that the only solution is the auction capital to private investors and de-listing of poor artists and let them fight for survival.

Meanwhile, private companies hungry for capital are denied the opportunity to list on these exchanges. The result is that Chinese private companies rely on banks for 99% of their funding! This lopsided dependence on bank financing is healthy and also many Chinese banks are bogged down by mismanagement, bloated bureaucracies, corruption and saddled with politically motivated claims performing

In addition, the stock market crash of China is putting its brokerage firm in intensive care. 114 Chinese brokerage firms that depend largely on stock trading commissions declined 45% in revenue in the first half of this year . Trading of the shares of China (for Chinese citizens) market has almost disappeared. The Shanghai Composite Index is down 15% this year. The Chinese government also has an unofficial moratorium on new listings.

Second, maintaining state ownership and control of many Chinese companies leading to a lack of transparency and openness is necessary for China to participate fully as a member of the global investment community. Foreign institutional investors tend to favor investing indirectly in China through Hong Kong for better communication and systems of listing. As an investment advisor, I suggest you participate in the growth of Chinese customers primarily through investments in Hong Kong (EWH) Malaysia (EWM), Canada (EWC) Australia (EWA), and other Asian countries. The issue of Chinese financial markets dysfunction has also led to our recommendation to clients that India, not China, may be the best performing market in Asia over the next ten or twenty years.

The recent announcements of Bank of America and HSBC to invest in two major Chinese banks is a step forward, but falls far short of the mark. Both investments are relatively small and both foreign investors will have little authority, nor any significant management responsibilities. The Chinese want the publicity, the brand and the opportunity to learn, but they are clearly willing to relinquish any control.

Look what Indonesia is doing to open its financial sector to international investment. International investors are now allowed to majority control and management and just last week a major bank in Singapore and Malaysia announced its intention to make substantial investments in banks in Indonesia. The Indonesian government is also drawing up a list of which of its 145 state-owned enterprises will be sold to investors. International investors have taken note - The Indonesian stock market is doing well and our recommended Indonesia Fund (IF) is up 29% this year.

Thirdly, as the recent high profile cases of Lenovo, Haier and CNOOC demonstrate how state-owned Chinese companies seek to acquire or invest in foreign companies, the reaction is distrust, skepticism and even hostility policy. The Chinese leadership is trying to groom about 100 of its largest companies to go global in a big way and chase mark "the best multinational companies with its excess liquidity (700 billion U.S. dollars in foreign exchange reserves) is the most fast to achieve this goal. If you thought the Japanese Spree spending in 1980 was controversial in America - fasten your seatbelts.

The U.S. Congress and other foreign governments to resist these offers because they have little interest in having a foreign government, particularly a rival economic, which has 200 billion U.S. dollars a bi-lateral trade surplus, ITS companies purchase most appreciated. The issue of Chinese bidders with public funding is also a red flag. Then there is the question of reciprocity - foreign companies can obtain minority stakes in Chinese state-owned companies and approval for such non-minority is transparent and highly political.

Finally, there is the broader policy question for the purpose of the Chinese Communist leadership. The slow and reluctant pace of privatization could reasonably be read as an indication that the Chinese government has no intention of relinquishing control of state-owned enterprises. This in turn has serious consequences as countries consider how to deal with a rapidly growing authoritarian country that seeks to participate in and benefit the global economy through state-owned companies and the state.

The Chinese adage of "crossing the river by feeling the stones" may be a wise policy at times, but in this case, a dip in the river a decade ago would have been much better for the Chinese economy and people. It is not too late to take the plunge and the U.S. should be ready to help in any way possible.

Find more insights,

Copyright 2005 Carl Delfeld

Monday, July 16, 2012

Death penalty Rant

Religious people say that the Bible is the book to answer all questions of life, but I think history is a better teacher. If you use history as an example, if you use history as a guide, there is no convincing argument to support Any form of capital punishment. Discussing the death penalty is an issue that involves many different aspects, including socio-economic and race relations, then likely be a very comprehensive article, so clearly I am not able to discuss every detail concerning the issue. I just wanted to discuss some key components.

Some argue that we should still use the rule of the Bible in one eye for an eye. Back in the days when there were no methods for collecting fingerprints or collect DNA or collection of blood samples, that provision seemed necessary to impose some form of justice. But with these technological advances, with such logic seems highly sophisticated and determined not to follow the path that leads to intellectual stimulation.

Furthermore, those who love to use "eye for an eye" standard is clearly hypocritical. The Bible clearly states that a woman who commits adultery must be stoned on the spot, but strangely no one expects such a sentence today. Furthermore, the Bible says that a child who does not respect his parents should be stoned. Again, this practice is not legally or religiously acceptable today. There is no moral or intellectual high ground that religious people can stand when it comes to using any religious text as an example of administering the judicial standards.

During the Middle Ages, when some peon committed a crime, be it a simple robbery or murder, it was common practice for that person to be executed quickly and for the person's body parts scattered throughout the city. The local magistrates wanted to make clear that the crime would not be tolerated. But the strange thing is that there is no evidence that such measures deter crime. The reason is simple: violence is the father of violence.

Most crimes, especially in murders, usually happen in the spur of the moment. The parties do not stop to think about the consequences. This is the main reason for the death penalty is a deterrent to crime. The death penalty should cause the criminal (s) to stop and reflect on their actions, but this is clearly the anatomy of a crime. And 'at the same level of thinking as saying, "to get rid of drunk driving accidents, we will remove the cars."

In essence, the death penalty is a simple argument used to solve a complicated action

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Fear of failure

He was talking with a guy last week who speaks several languages. I asked him how he learned them all and said: "I'm not afraid to jump and make mistakes."

Great answer. It is a technique that works in the music so well. The more you embrace failure, the better you will do.

I work with a type of direct marketing that puts out stuff quickly, probably before it is ready, because he knows that getting it out "as is" you better not go at all. And the way is when it is released this way, if you're willing to test and improve, is the worst that could ever be.

If you want to see something funny, take a look at some of the old reviews for my first book.

Here is part one, which to my great frustration, always happens to be near the top.

You can read this book all in a few hours. font large font in a book already small, a lot of grammatical errors and missing words that were not caught by a spelling checker (no proofreading). It seems that this book was probably written over a weekend.

And it was true ... at least for the first edition. After that, I went back and got a much better editor to take care of these things.

But apart from this, the book was released, it sold well and helped a lot of people. Would never have happened if I had been reached on the little things and worried about negative reviews like this one.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Thoughts on independence for independent musicians

Today is Independence Day in the United States, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to write a few things on being independent.

There is obviously an element of independence is linked to laundering. If you are not able to exist financially the way you want without the help of someone else, do not. But today I'm writing something more.

People who are independent think differently from those who are not. People who are independent, may give a nod to what others think, but do not let these things control them.

He was working with a guy very successful a couple of years ago and he said: "The biggest problem I've had since I became a 'success' is that the friends I had before I was doing well can not enjoy with a me. For one, do not have money, but most of them do not even have the flexibility in programming because they are all working for someone else and not have the time. "

Cares? Yes Has enough attention so that prevented him from doing what should he do? No.

I lived in Mississippi for a few years after college. It was a small city of about 15,000 people and what surprised me most was that about almost everyone who lived there had been born there and almost none of them left.

This was because they were stupid? No. In fact, some of the people I met while I was there are among the smartest people I ever met.

Perhaps because they had money? While I'm sure this has a role in stuck around because I do not think it was the real problem. If someone wants to do something, they will do whatever their financial situation ... people could find the money necessary, if we really wanted to do something.

I think they never left Mississippi because of reports that were there.

People who are truly independent no hang-ups leave behind people who do not share their same beliefs. And unless you're already in a community of successful people, this must happen if you really want to move forward.

Kathode Ray Music is 10 years this month. At that time, I worked with thousands of musicians and bands. The main thing keeping them back is that they be held back by what others think. These guys may be ready as individuals, but they are around with people who are not ready ... and those that are not always ready to pull down those who are.

This means that when you are ready to move forward with your next level of success of commercial music, you must cut down people who are not.

If you're in a band with people who are comfortable where they are and want to get on with things, quit and go on your own.

If you're married to someone that you feel your time is better spent in a job that I hate to do what you really like and I know you can do, get a divorce.

You see where I'm going ... and yes, I'm deadly serious about getting a divorce if necessary. Serious business requires serious intervention. It takes an intense effort every day to have done what is necessary and you can not have someone holding you ... even if it is a spouse.

I hope you guys have a great Independence Day!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Sigh of relief early America

According to numerous reports, Hurricane Rita has made hundreds of thousands of people homeless, as expected. Thousands of businesses and homes were not destroyed as planned and oil rigs and Gulf coast refineries have not been completely flattened. The picture painted by the media was that of the mass destruction beyond anything America has ever lived was to become the worst nightmare of the country. Now that the reality of Hurricane Rita is putting in, because for many Americans is only a matter of reconstruction after people return to their homes and businesses. After all, America may be down but not out.

Initial estimates put the damage at $ 5,000,000,000 of Rita, but officials say that Texas money will be at least $ 8 billion in the Gulf Coast alone. Cutting off supplies of fuel are available, with prices projected to make $ 4 - $ 5 a gallon. A few days are required to inspect oil rigs and refineries for damage, resulting in shortage of possible price increases or temporary.

Now that New Orleans was hit again by massive flooding, how confident are federal, state and local officials, when addressing the future of the city? Do not be surprised if once the flood recedes, a set of optimistic thinking inside Mayor Nagin is already talking about rebuilding efforts. Give an inch of breathing room, and America will take a mile. As I said before, I was confident once again that New Orleans will be rebuilt, even if the city can groped reconstruction efforts without interruption for years to come. Another hurricane could happen at any time. If anything, Katrina and Rita is a testimony of how natural disasters are the stamp of approval of God for His will. America, however, can breathe a sigh of relief and be convinced that all's well that ends well. America's future will not be a smooth continuity because the American spirit says so.

While millions of Americans have been asked to pray for those who have been hit, America's clergy is naive as a reason for twin sisters of the country a disaster struck the nation with such a vengeance. A deafening silence is heard from the pulpit after pulpit throughout the country. This Sunday, parishioners are not told why God is allowing this to happen for the nation. Mainstream Christianity does not provide the answers according to the Bible. Both the clergy and members of various denominations are disoriented. As a nation, America is spiritually bankrupt and needs a doctor

How many times the old cliché: "The Lord works in mysterious ways" been used? Once again spirituality giftwrapped as a mystery, rather than providing concrete answers to those who want to know why and what for how events are becoming more dangerous for the average American.

Actual events are not as deep as that which follows after they occur. When the dust settles, finally, or waters recede, as in the case of Katrina and Rita, America will only address what he has learned with regard to preventive measures are concerned. Human nature never changes. America will once again pat on the shoulder like a sigh of relief.

God has once again lost the soft underbelly of America, for pity, but few are willing to admit. Americans do not want to face reality. For average Americans, if there is a drawback is allowed only in terms of days at most. Katrina and Rita are just warnings, but the far greater catastrophes will happen if America does not repent individually and nationally. Many people scoff at this possibility and has been prophesied to happen.

2 Peter 3:03 - "Knowing this first, that should not come in the last days scoffers,
walk after their passions ... "

Meteorologists were surprised by the uncertainty of both Katrina and Rita. The devastation of Galveston and Houston did not occur due to Rita veering slightly to the right, and that an upward movement in the north, almost touching the city of New Orleans. If Katrina and Rita would hit the "Big Easy" full force, the city would be completely devastated. Few people are considering how close New Orleans came to be a city for the history books. The unpredictability of both Katrina and Rita show that God is in total control of time and still will not admit to a distance of superior intelligence beyond the ability of sophisticated weather forecast today.

Psalm 107:25 - "For He (God) commands, and raises the stormy wind,
lifteth that the waves thereof. "

Across America probably learned from Rita is how to properly evacuate millions of people from a large metropolitan city. The Americans have learned why the warning should be listened to after seeing what happened in New Orleans. FEMA is learning to distribute food and relief efforts in a more organized way. law enforcement is now pending to stop all direct looting at a moments notice to take note of what happened in New Orleans. America is equivalent to a rebellious teenager who just learned the hard way. This does God wants.

Joel 2:13 - "And rend your heart and not your garments, and turn to the Lord your God, for He is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and of great kindness, and he repents of evil (God will change His mind, if people screaming for his help). "

America is in trouble and yet millions of Americans are insensitive to the danger. The incomprehensible has already happened for the country, with far greater disasters to come.

The attacks took place when the twin towers in New York City from an enemy outside our borders. A war is taking place halfway around the world with no end in sight. Natural disasters are ongoing and will increase in intensity is unlike anything in the history of the country. U.S. federal deficit threatens to bankrupt the country and yet few people realize the consequences for spending beyond our means. Problem after problem is obvious to all, yet millions of Americans are asleep at the helm.

The United States has just been spared what might have been the most devastating natural disaster in its history. The repercussions of such an event is what many people are considering. The whole city will be destroyed in the future as well as small towns and not just through a hurricane, but any number of natural or man made disaster now threatens the very survival of the country.

America must change

Isaiah 55:6-7-"Seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near. Vs 7-What the wicked forsake his thoughts return alone to the Lord and have mercy on him, and the our God, for He will abundantly pardon. "

(C) 2005 By Richard Markland

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Talk Radio: The lost art of listening

Talk radio is a mirror of American mentality. Those who host program after program very proud of what they perceive as conservatism. Assured that everything will somehow solve the platform is many talk show hosts to use as a standard.

opinions are rare because it houses several callers spend hours to express a variety of points of view with little input of listeners. Only if a caller is in agreement with the host is a person authorized to speak. If any hint of dissent is expressed, a caller is interrupted and cut. Nothing more can be said by anyone who has been put on hold, maybe for 30-60 minutes or more before being allowed to speak a single word.

Politics is the driving force of talk radio. Everything spiritual is completely ignored and the inability to be balanced by the host is more than evident. The perception is that he is the host or the minds of many Americans, like minded or contrary opinions are attacked against those who disagree. The average talk show host does not understand what it means to be an average American struggling 9-5. While they may have once had with sweat and effort, as most Americans know today have a high profile job that is not in touch with the average person.

Listeners are simply at the mercy of those who control such programs. To call in is impossible because the host rambles on and without allowing callers to express an opinion beyond 60 seconds, in most cases. Callers are cut at the touch of a button and talk radio host can say whatever he wants on the comments. Some program formats border on the ridiculous, while others strive for a semblance of sanity, but fail.

Television is a world unto itself. Discussions are underway with other guests stop. If verbal abuse was a crime, many guests, including the host, would be in jail. TV personality and radio addressing issues as if they were the only ones who have knowledge of any subject is discussed.

Ridicule those who disagree with an opinion of a host is rampant. Several presenters and ramble endlessly reminds anyone who has a different opinion that he or she is simply uninformed and out of the world where dissent is expressed by the caller. It 'amazing that someone would take the time to call, because talk radio on one side and the opinion of the host is all that matters. Competition is fierce and ratings are the number one driving force of each program format and the audience is constantly reminded of how well informed and know all hosts are different.

What happened today is what has prompted this editorial. The first of a three-hour program that I heard was radio message from the presenter. The program suffers from ill enthusiasm. Anyone who is hearing impaired has not something to worry about. The second three-hour program is heard nationally as a very good view and knowledge is more than evident from the host. It reminds listeners daily that he is "on loan from Gawd." The word "God" is exaggerated, when expressed. The latest three-hour program that I heard today presented radio messages by everyone throughout the afternoon. constant bickering was the theme. The guest feels that the format most comprehensive on the radio, but I was left with the impression it was a constant verbal boxing match ..

II Timothy 2 provides a modern day portrait of Talk Radio

2 Timothy 3:1-5-But know this, that in the last days difficult times. vs. 2-For men
must be lovers of themselves (high opinion of themselves) ... boasters (omniscient) ... vs 3 -... slanderers (rude), without self-control (and not able to speak quietly but consistently interrupting) ... brutal (an attitude in your face) ...
vs. 4 -... stubborn (personal opinion without openness), arrogant (arrogant) ...
vs. 5 -... these people away. "

What happened to common sense by those who represent talk radio? I shook my head in disgust today because of arrogance and pride has been more obvious that those who have listened. Talk radio is a mirror of how America does not listen, but only wants to talk. Someone else's opinion is not respected and constantly interrupting each other over radio waves in the country shows what contempt is a fact of everyday life. It is obvious that in many cases, is another person's opinion is not important and we simply do not listen to one another with an open mind. Talk radio is a mirror of the nation, and many people are affected by an attitude in the face.

It 's a sad day for the country, when a talk show host looked for answers. Little do those who rule the airwaves realize that there are Americans who are able to draw conclusions without their input. There are actually people who have a much more balanced approach to what is happening around them and know that it is useless to call a program and express an opinion. Why? Why radio talk show hosts do not give the benefit of the doubt to anyone who disagrees with their views. They feel threatened by those who can hold your ground and know more than you care to listen.

Many Americans do not listen to talk radio and then perhaps what I faced no problem. I wish it was not for me. I wonder what America would be like if the air waves would be quiet for one day instead of playing and shouting in your face approach taken by guests who have a high opinion of themselves. I believe that those who rule the airwaves may find we can live without them.

(C) 2005 By Richard Markland

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Eve rigorous Buy CCTV Cameras

As the world shrinks, crime expands. Even in today's hi-tech age, the crime rate is not always down. Instead, criminals and terrorist use new equipment and plans to fool everyone. A recent example is the attacks on the London Underground. So it becomes inevitable that there should be a quintessential eye on all movements.

To resolve this purpose and catch the culprits, a device known as digital CCTV has been used everywhere.

The name CCTV stands for closed circuit television and in the field, is known as a surveillance camera. The CCTV cameras can be a camera or network (s) of multiple cameras connected together via LAN, WAN, Internet or switches. The basic purpose of this camera is to transmit live video on a television screen or monitor, to keep an eye on everyone entering or leaving the building or area on a guard by the camera.

However there are some tips methods, which should be kept in mind while purchasing digital CCTV for your organization or home.

CCTV cameras are used to identify the visible face and personality of a person under a method of analysis of any crime. Also serves as evidence in court. Therefore, it is essential that you place the CCTV cameras in key locations. To do this you must draw a floor plan. You should decide on all the camera locations on the plane. You should also consider the distance from the area you want to put under surveillance, for example, is 10 feet or 20 meters away from the surveillance target.

It would be appropriate that you should place the camera near the zoom and then decide. You should decide whether you will need to 8mm or 12 mm lens.

The second aspect before buying these cameras is the idea on how much space you want to cover. If you need to cover a wider area, it would have to buy digital cameras with wide-angle or closed circuit fish eye lens.

The next most important thing to consider and buy the CCTV cameras is required to detail or resolution requirement. If you need closer monitoring, for example you want to capture the number plate of the car with the person's face, and then you would need a lens with high resolution. The distance and details to determine what 8mm or 50mm cameras would solve the purpose of effective monitoring.

Together with the distance and the resolution of the cameras, you must also take care of their safety and damage control. You should consider protecting your camera against vandalism and damage. To do this, you can buy cameras damage resistant as well.

Several closed-circuit cameras have different capacities to adjust the light. Suppose you want to monitor the area only during the day, any normal digital camera CCTV would solve the purpose. But if you want close supervision during the dim light or at night, you should consider purchasing an infrared digital CCTV cameras.

Last but not least, you should always take care of your budget. You can find some better-than-the-best CCTV cameras in the market, but you ask a daunting price. Therefore, you should check with your budget and buy the cameras can solve your purpose, largely, if not full.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Choosing the right shoe for you

A well-known fact

There is no better feeling than when you wear a comfortable shoe. Comfortable shoes allow us to enjoy the day's activities without pain. Wear shoes that fit well can also prevent potential health problems from occurring.

Where to buy

Most shoes can last an average of 3-12 months. When you start to wear a shoe, you begin to notice a difference in comfort. flip flops can cause back pain, knee pain, or sore feet. Time to replace your shoes is when the cushion has broken down or motion control has been lost.

What shoes to buy?

foot of each is different. The best shoe for you is what gives you the correct size, support, cushioning and flexibility.

Choose a well-cushioned stability shoe that compensates for irregularities foot or your hand.

Some Common Foot irregularity

High arched feet

A high arched foot does not roll inward much at all. There is a highly curved arch along the inside of the foot. Also, the toes seem to be in a position claws. Highly arched feet are very stiff and unable to absorb shock when contact with the ground. The reason for this is that the foot is not able to roll inward when the foot touches the ground. This lack of pronation can cause heel, knee, shin and back problems. Inserting special pads in the shoes, which compensate for this condition is highly arched feet. The pads allow the feet to absorb shock more easily. People with high arched feet, should try to stay away from stability or motion control shoes, which reduce foot mobility.

Flat Feet

The term "flat feet" refers to people who have a low arch or no arch at all. It is sometimes said that "fallen arches". Most people have one foot space on the inside when the foot is in contact with the ground. This is called the arc. The height of the arch varies in size from one person to another. Flat feet are usually an inherited condition. The best shoe for this condition is a motion control or stability shoe with a midsole company.

Over or under pronation.

Over pronation is excessive inward rolling motion of the foot. This inward movement is considered unhealthy because it can cause great stress to your back, ankles, knees and lower legs. Over pronation can cause shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and the band syndrome. Under pronation occurs when the outside of the foot takes the brunt of the shock when coming into contact with the ground. This condition can cause problems with the ligaments of the feet and ankles. Stability shoes have a dual density midsole or a roll bar to help combat pronation problems.

Some Useful Tips for buying shoes

· E-shop later in the day. Feet tend to swell as the day goes on. Shoes purchased in the morning feels tight during the afternoon.

Shops · shoes with your health and comfort. The foot size changes every year. Always measure your foot first. This should give a general range if we consider different styles of shoes. Choose shoes that are shaped foot.

· Check to see how the sole feels on the bottom of the foot. It should have a soft cushion and supportive. People with high arches generally need more support.

· Get up and do a quick walk to get a feel for the shoe. Your feet should not slip in and there should be some 'space beyond the largest peak. But no more than 1 / 2 inch.

Remember: You should never have to break "in" a tight shoe.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Turning 21

For most Sailors minor - and college students, too - turning 21 is the last major rite of passage in their young lives - an important fact to consider, even if non-drinkers. Most offices of John Major not permit entry to social minors, and many impose a curfew in advance. This denies access to a portion of John R. Greater than any city, regardless of a Sailor's drink habits. Thus, even teetotalers ar likely to celebrate their 21st birthdays as a seminal event.

Many of them choose to celebrate this day by Clarence drunk to excess. Given the disproportionate figure of accidents caused by sailors of a class of their 21st birthdays, mentoring and guidance that date approaches is critical to any prevention program. [Twenty percent of incidents of alcohol dark blue to involve 20-to-22-twelve months earlier, (a) Crew. A third of all accidents involving DUI and DWI 21-yr-old Sailors .-- Ed] Commanders should recognize dates after their round 21 Sailors and incorporate that advice in prevention programs. Effective counseling should allow this

It passes the light of day comprehensive training in deglamorization. And 'Hera essential to distinguish between "punishment" and "internal improvement." The dispatch does not lead to members on these designated penalty away as simply as a means of early outgrowth. In particular, the meeting is to identify what place the extremity at risk and to talk about measures to ensure future Achiever. Think peer pressure this platform is based.

Junior sailors totally departments talk of the town near theme shipmates before leaving for the weekend. The sailors want everything their way, and include the cumulative effects of performance consecutive months'. On board was kept on the bridge table, and Sailors are regularly stopped and pointing to it. You might want to pass the group, however, if you happen to be home to a World Health Organization because they just lost an appendix just about made a wrong decision. Since October 2002, the largest number of mobile teams standing participation in a 0630 selective service board capital of Tennessee, was second. In other words, 80 percent of the 's band enjoys routine impropriety on their destination.

The first words to those teams at a 0630 rally, "This is a history of winning over 80 percent of the working group is today." The message continues: "We are not here to lecture to the pair of individuals who had very-similar (p), accident (remember, we took the gloves with the people in Phase II). Instead, we are here to give a public lecture to members - to find out if you are involved in the appendix. if you heard the spill some beans that friends tying the influence of alcohol or go without designated driver, you were part of the answer or the contribution of the problem? "on board, most Sailors result deglamorization dose. For Thomas More than six months, had no first-mate. Why Sailors shuffle intelligent decisions. This succeeder, the phone number of cases fell 50 trees had zero do drug incidents since October 2002 - not because the political platform has a deglamorization. There is a second possibility to use in today's navy, which is what he said his hands, starting with the indoctrination mastery. During indoctrination, as well as sailors told to close their eyes and see each ace was really proud of them joined the naval forces. Then, they said the same to imagine someone rich person to pick up the headset and say that he or she to be expelled from the base of "another type of discharge for employment. It 's a very simple message effectively.

The uranalysis exceeds the requirements of review by the evidence in the case, 25 or Thomas the crowd, every month and deuce or a broom to a greater extent for each unit. In a period of nine months, which included sweeps Unit II, as well as nine non-random testing, the unit Sailor tested positive for drugs. It would be easy to say these findings direct result of an aggressive - policy agenda, but that is not the truth. The fact is that the tool uses random so very obvious to recognize the sailors will have to find out if the drugs work. The sailors too recognize that rich person then want to mix what bequeath probably the most difficult calls headset of their lives. The information provided in previous stories came from Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention (Nadapi) program.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Outbreak of rabies as smokers go to war

Going to burn both ends of the candle with this item on the smoking ban in public places.

The government has already taken away our parental rights when a prison sentence hanging over our heads, if you punish our children with a slap. Children today get away with murder, and why you may ask? The reason is because the government knows best.

Children are used to blackmail mom and dad with threats of involvement of social services. In this way, parents are forced into submission to allow children to do what they want.

Sorry this is a parent who would fight to the death to protect his family, but also one who is willing to make time, if it is threatened from his very flesh and blood. What happened to days when a clip round ear resolve any unruly behavior?

Let us compare our generation to that of today, when entry into force of the government had no opinion. I rest my case.

Give us back our parenting as nature intended to deal with our children in our way. I do not condone any abuse or assault of a child, but a hell of a good hiding made us think twice before doing wrong a second time.

Why so many rebel clashes are ongoing in the world today is because governments know what is best. These political powers to impose new laws and the nation expect to sit back and accept.

We have a lot of educated people out there who know when they are sheared. Then there are the few towns like me who are not fully aware of the subtle moves of the government to take their hard earned money.
Prepare your self all the organs of why people are becoming wiser when they see the food on their tables rationed ..

Now we do not ban smoking in public places was put into force. top priorities are bars, restaurants which serve food, a move that is certainly justified and that I'm 100% in favor of.

There is no shred of doubt in my mind that smoking is a very serious health risk.
This is a matter of medical importance that must be addressed, but once again the members of parliament have not thought this through. A health problem may be even greater for the hands of this tax law.

They gave no consideration for people living where you are going to be affected the survival, all because they provide a social environment where smokers and nonsmokers is to collect through their choice.

Take the food from the mouth then face the consequences of an outbreak of rabies.

A serious health risk may come from a ban, if smokers go to war

I myself am a non smoker, but there are things I like in life and should be taken from me then I'm afraid that it would be very happy.

What right do our government should dictate to us who are right and wrong, that when Moses handed down the Ten Commandments.

Hypocrites system still preach what they think they know is best. Well, it's the end. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. All these rules are provided for the nation, respected by sponsors? I do not think so.

Remember the gentlemen saying. Who is without sin cast the first stone. Well, if the Muppets in the house of parliament can hold your hand up to this, then gladly give up my rights, if they say so.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Video Killed the Radio Star

Remember those cheesy futuristic movie where everyone was a bit 'of android-like? Their daily tasks a farce senseless to push buttons and have their needs and wants met by machines or gadgets - a place where human interaction was purely optional? It was a stretch of the imagination or are approaching the line between virtual reality and become a blurred line in a "surreal? You tell me. The next time you're stuck in traffic, watching the cars around you. Drivers without passengers engage with heated conversations conversants invisible minivans with DVD players with androids thumbnail pierced cartoon animals and humans; teenagers anxiously flipping inches on PDAs, blasting messages to their friends in a broadcast. And so on.

It started with the toaster, then came the microwave and then the VCR (remember them, right? Machines rectangular looking where you've placed a video?). We could not get enough to fill immediately, and then we have catapulted into instant gratification über-mode where everything and everyone, in theory, should be available with a click of the mouse or pressing a button. And if not, well, then it is not worthy of our attention until it is. We can record our favorite programs with TeVo or DVR and watch them whenever it suits us, heck, not even have to be at home when watching TV. Pop in a DVD drive or in your personal DVD player in flight to the bottom, or flip open the phone or pull out your partner while waiting in line at the bank. A moment of silence? Are you from outer space?

And although it may seem intuitive that the video may have gone the way of cassettes, have persevered in a new form. With streaming video, music lovers and dogs eager for news can get their daily fix online, without having to end their instant messaging conversations. Or for those who find it too cumbersome reading-all they have to do is sit and watch. These are the latest video music like Jesse McCartney "Because You Live" and Cream "deserted cities of the Heart" or the movie trailers hot new flicks like "Running Scared," starring Billy Crystal. Want to watch a video with more substance? Stay on top of political scandals with video news from the world or keep up with fashion trends, no matter where you live with video fashion. Be the first to find out where to buy a heated bra and see what's on tracks all from your living room (or the coffee shop or anywhere else for that matter).

Admittedly, there is no way back we also enjoy the constantly evolving technology driven by our inability to wait for more than a nanosecond.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Get Real with Reality TV

Reality TV is anything but educational, but we must admit that I'm damn well good fun to watch.

I can not speak for others and I have no jurisdiction over television stations that air these types of programs. However, this kind of entertainment can be very fulfilling in providing pleasure to viewers who get withdrawal symptoms should not get their weekly TV reality.

Then we have the vast majority are all so fake and irritating. Who do you like? A Catch 22 situation,

Because the big problem for the presentation of these series is beyond me. Nobody twists her arm along the back of the house to watch the antics of Big Brother, no one holds his head steady while twisting the creepy crawlies swallowed by the inhabitants of the Australian jungle.

There is no law sets out there that indicates that the viewer must watch this garbage as some would see. Millions of people tune into their favorite channels and are content to watch what they like, and if reality TV is one of those channels, then so be it.

Freedom of choice, so many laws out there dictating the way we manage our lives with which some critics attack the oar to discard all reality because it is educational.

If people want educating then surely will tune into the Discovery Channel, where you get to see the gruesome remains of bodies unearthed for DNA testing.

For updates on what is happening worldwide, we have news from CNN shows that the bombings in Iraq followed by flashes of images of children starving skeletal bone in Africa.

Crime watch another awareness program on how to catch a thief or nail a mugger while loading a mug shot on our screens the bloodied face of a battered woman of 80 years for assaulting his pension. Sorry I did enough crying for the day watching all that suffering. If reality TV can generate a strong presence of pleasure and put a smile on the faces of millions of people who enjoy this type of entertainment, then let it be.

To much crying in the world today and if reality TV takes over the role to be clowns for the evening to put a smile on your face then make sure to tune in every week.

Remember you will always be critics or the anti reality TV person ready to wipe the smile of your face. Well for those against, face reality and face it, it is here to stay.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Super-phones are Great Tools / Toys for us, but Lets Get tech-creators to work on helping the world and people

The world of technology is racing ahead at an unprecedented rate so that in reality is starting to become difficult to believe what we humans create with our minds, and hands. Long ago we were excited about inventions like the telephone, stereo and computer. These devices have added dimensions to our reality that was once only dreamed of in science-fiction film-film, another great invention herself. Communication, information sharing, and enjoyment of the pleasures of Sonic (we sure do love music!) Have increased the quality of life for those who have privileged access, and these days is spreading to Countries That once were blocked into primitive modes of existence. And 'this story 100% true? Not many stories, and I'd try and see some of the pros and cons of both a life of pure technology, and a life which is in perfect harmony with the natural world around us. Everything is not black and white, and I hope that there could be a fire that integrates both the 'reality' in a healthy future for our species.

I was reading an article in a journal of information technology on the new demand for mobile / cell phones that double as MP3 music players. Hey, I'm still blown away by mobile phones that function as palm computer that accesses the internet wirelessly! People now want a phone that can pass easily from communication device to music player. A gadget incredible if you really think. They want to be able to store up to 1,000 songs, be able to synchronize with a computer and be able to download music wirelessly from the Internet directly to your phone. However, at the time, and I know that will not last-there was Some make this effort''perfect phone to become a reality, because everyone wants a piece of cake that comes with every monetary incredible new invention. music labels, wireless operators, handset manufacturers, and companies like Apple (iTunes) want control over various aspects of this new venture. Eventually I am sure that all developed countries, and many in the developed world do not have these devices. The question that always seems to remain for me is: are we focusing our collective consciousness on the big things right?

I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say again, 'We need to put our energies in a perspective that embraces both technology and nature, not to speak of spirituality'. If you watch or read the news (do not try to do too much) you will know that a large number of stories is something wrong with the world. Environmental degradation, conflicts between nations and cultures ... We are not aware of what is happening around us. With the advent of the Internet which now share the knowledge like never before. The fear and suspicion because of ignorance of other nations and cultures, is declining rapidly across borders are now freely and easily. I wonder if we need to put a bit 'more of our attention and technical genius (a general fire, which is currently a tunnel vision-based personal gadgets) on these bigger issues that seem much more relevant and important When it comes to achieving a level of global sustainability and happiness that we can feel safe with. Is not it funny listening to music on fresh 'super-phone' if you are riding on the bus is attacked by people frustrated, right? How about these impressive UV light rays that burn the skin through the window on your way to the beach by car and has helped reduce ozone, as well as your wallet, because of the effects and costs of oil and other

It 's easy for me to say that could change our focus, but the next question that arises is:' What do you get people to focus on techno to achieve this more sustainable future happiness? I think the key is probably to take a more spiritual, selfless, Community approach to things. Someone I just spoke with my lunch said that if we took all the money we spend on weapons and bombs and put in 'world society', there would be many homeless and hungry in the world. Because we have become so aggressive, especially angry anyway?

Many of us believe that money is the key to happiness in life. We build things that we think will make us happy (super-cell), and those things we buy for the same reason. And marketing company tells us that if they themselves become happy. 're Putting our brains in this huge exercise in self-gratification at the expense of the world and people around us. Under no circumstances say it's all bad. The power of shared information and communication in this new era has brought enormous changes for the good of the world. But how do we take the next necessary step?

Seems like we will have to make monetarily useful genes to undertake the spiritual journey of creating technologies for the collective, and for our future generations. How we do it? What are some paths that we could get to put their attention masterful tunnel vision when looking for answers? How do we make life and bread for their efforts in the immediate 'pay-off' mean? Please send your ideas in a comment box to I want to use your individual abilities and gifts. You have already contributed to this progress in the world. I am interested in what you think about how we can make our future a better one for everyone in our 'neighbors'.