Thursday, June 28, 2012

Part 2 - American Morality - A glimmer of hope on the horizon

Part 2 for the article "American Morality - a glimmer of hope on the horizon."

Another sign of hope that Americans may be moving away from the mind set and not to excess, can be seen in huge outpouring of giving monetarily in the wake of the worst hurricane season in the United States took the minutes. The Americans have also given monetarily to the relief effort. The Americans have not given promptly to the ongoing hunger in Africa. In December 2005, the UN Food and Agriculture issued a warning that nearly 12 million Africans to address the immediate threat of famine. The Americans have failed to Pakistani earthquake relief efforts.

This lack of damage is not just because Americans are not willing to give, but rather because of the lack of media exposure. CNN would have preferred to spend hours talking about whether President Bush broke the law by wiretapping potential terrorists in the United States, then talk about important world issues like the thousands who die in the earthquake in Pakistan or famine in Africa. It 'very important that the media expose this kind of stories. You can not give unless you know the need.

The point is this. Giving on a continuous basis, produces feelings of happiness in the long term. For this country to return to its moral principles, giving to others in need is a way of moving in that direction. Which brings me back to my initial point. Americans need to get fully back to mind all that give and take less is of greater value then have more. We must move away from trying to produce short-term happiness by artificial means.

artificial symbols, such as type of car you drive, like your clothing is invented, or how many vacation homes you can buy should be of minor importance to anyone who has some substance to them. The next time you are propagating one of these excesses, think of 24,000 people per day die of hunger. Think of the six million children under five who die of hunger every year. Think about the downtrodden, the abused, and tortured. When you think about these things, making more sense. Give what you can and when you can.

Albert Einstein once said "the value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving." What many people do not realize is that Albert Einstein was a deeply religious man. He knew that only God could produce a universe so complex, and that this complexity could not be produced by random chaotic events. Vide order in the universe and the relationship of God with the universe. He simply did not wear his religion on his sleeve. He also had insight beyond the physical because he realized what a man really gives a sense of happiness and inner peace.

Einstein was right in that happiness comes not from what it takes, but in reality what you give. Whatever your religious beliefs, a time to give life to those less fortunate then yourself, will the long-term happiness. Give it a try. You might be surprised by the sensation it produces. A glimmer of hope on the horizon. The United States can return it to the biblical principles. But we must all do our part.

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