Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The future success in the realm of creativity

Long-standing business, commerce and law were the main areas of study for students wishing to become successful in our modern materialistic society. Places like Harvard Business School, where elements were elite so-called human intelligence hoped to be trained so that they could then reach the highest offices of state and wealth. Well, things are changing. This is because these people are now outsourced. Currently, companies can achieve the same work done by people from India and Asia for one-fifteenth what it costs to rent an overpriced white collar American or European. The future no longer lies in these areas of financial process. The successful future now lie in the ideas. Artists The poor, hungry, are fighting the bosses of tomorrow. Creativity is now seen as the desired quality for a positive growth in each and every industry in our world.

Who cares how well you know the system of finance? The question now is: how are you going to innovate and create new ideas that the company further and encourage others to participate in your areas of interest? The artists are being sought by businesses to produce images that inspired both investment and consumption. Idea creators are valued for their talent and ability to change the way society functions. We all know that the only constant in life is that all things are in constant flux, constant change. So how are you going to create changes that society more?

Halfway through the article, I realized that I had to go to the bathroom, but after entering the Cabinet found that the toilet was non-existent. As I work for a web hosting company which is pretty relaxed about these things, I decided to take a breath of fresh air and get off the corporate supplier and buy some. As I walked along the street hot summer with a package of 48 rolls of poo-wiping matter tree on my head, African style, I wondered if it could not be ironic that this document was crapping sitting so close to my brain. Maybe I'm full of s * # you are the creative people will always be thought of as people who just suck the rest of society just to satisfy their whims afterlife. I do not think so. Business graduates can be once been in a position of absolute authority, where they could pay what they want to use their special hard-to-come-by services. But now the situation is reversed. Oh yes, the company can still operate with the full financial capitalist game, but accountants can tell me ten lawyers who changed the face of the world. You can?

Maybe you can. Maybe you're one of those super-smart that they know everything about how humanity has evolved over the millennia. Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Van Gogh, Picasso, Einstein, Newton, Edison, Socrates and Buddha: How many of these people who changed the world were graduate business? Creative ideas have always been intrinsic factors in the creation of radical changes to social systems and beliefs about our world. I think we're on a pendulum, and things are once again about to swing to a moment of inspiration and imagination. Even in the current money-driven social paradigm seems that new ideas and ways of perception are to be integral to its success. If we want to be a big part of the team of human future, it is time once again to open the right side of our brain and become balanced in our thinking processes. I am full of shit or full of inspiration? You be the judge.

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