Thursday, June 21, 2012

911 Questions and FAQ

911 Facts

The number 911 was the news frequently over the past two years.

The emergency number 911 is composed of people when they need fire or police assistance, ambulance quickly. In 911 of the Lower Seine area was ceded to the Viking invaders under Hrolf Ranger as the Duchy of Normandy (Treaty sur Epte Santa Clara).

Anastasius III became Pope 911-913.
The Danes started towv of Drogheda in Ireland.
9 11 also stands for the terrible terrorist attack in New York and the Pentagon, where thousands of people were killed.

Here are some questions relevant to today have not yet been answered:

Because the 'stop the FBI investigation into their mid-1996 of two relatives of Osama bin Laden and a Muslim organization in Washington, the World Assembly of Muslim Youth?

Perhaps because they were orders from above to stop the investigations related to bin Laden family?

Why George W. Bush gave orders to stop investigations into terrorist connections of the Bin Laden family in the United States and abroad in early 2001?

Because the U.S. government to allow all members of the bin Laden family to fly outside the United States, while all other air traffic was grounded? Perhaps because the bin Laden family financed the Bush family politically for a long time?

Because none of the 19 hijackers appear on the list of passengers involved in 4 floors hijjacked? May explain why none of the indestructible black boxes were found in one of our crash?

When was the last time George HW Bush traveled to the Middle East on behalf of the privately owned Carlyle Group, one of the largest defense companies in the U.S. and what was the purpose of this meeting?

If you knew that there was a terrorist attack in progress, we did, and suddenly we have two trade towers in New York, of course, be affected by terrorist acts, and knew also of changing commercial airliners en route from Boston to Los Angeles when was the response of the defense establishment once we saw the hijacking of the aircraft headed west from Dulles turn 180 degrees and, likewise, in the aircraft taking off from Newark and in flight turning 180 degrees?


Commenting from CNN on the timeline, 9:03 is the time that the United Airlines flight crashed into the south tower of World Trade Center 09:43 is the time that American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. And 10:10 is the time that United Airlines Flight 93 crashed in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.

Discrepancies between surveys Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Commission's findings 9 / 11:

There was a highly classified United States Special Operations Command program under the command of U.S. Special Operations Command.

It 'was created following a directive of the Joint Chiefs' of Staff in early October 1999 by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Hugh Shelton, to develop an Information Operations Campaign Plan against transnational terrorism ", particularly in Qaeda. "

According to statements by Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer and confirmed by four others, Able Danger had identified September 11, 2001 attack leader Mohamed Atta and three of the 9 / 11 plot the 19 hijackers as possible members of a cell linked to al Qaeda ' 1993 attacks on the World Trade Center.

The group used all information legally collected under the rule of law. Mainly consisting of confidential information, obtained all public information was approved after a legal review of SOCOM lawyers.

Early identification of the four hijackers by Able Danger seems to contradict the official conclusion of the 9 / 11 Commission, that American intelligence agencies had identified Atta as a terrorist before the attack.

This has led to a political controversy that has begun to damage the credibility of the bipartisan 9 / 11 Commission.

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