Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ideal values that should appear on TV

The rapid changes we have now in this time especially in the media, we all know and are aware of the consequences or the influence of TV Moral values should be the concern throughout most of the TV theme Regarding presentation.

The media is really affecting our daily lives. It influences our lives in many ways. This factor is made possible because of its extensive coverage of all world.So based on its impact, the media should be accountable for their service to the people.

They must choose carefully the information necessary before introducing to televiewers.The network has the responsibility of showing the ideal values and applicable in their service to the people.

Everything that appears on the TV screen should not be a bad image that people will in particular minors. They should avoid scenes overactive gimmick and not important to achieve a high network rating.Some doing some tricks in their performances and publicity for me irrelevant.Remember that the primary duty of television is to inform and serve the people what they can.

We all know that television is a part of our daily lives that makes us laugh, cry, and surprised. So we are fortunate to have TV with us at this time.

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