Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Aliens are among us

It can now be revealed.

Are taking over the world. They live and work among us.

The aliens of Tranisiuc.

This is not a drill. This is the real McCoy. I'm telling the world in the hope that we can do something before it is too late.

I saw this guy at an ATM outside the bank pulling his reception into a hundred pieces. Here's how it started. I was suspicious. So I retrieved some pieces.

It 'was in code.

Letters were written on paper LRLRLRLRLRLRL

How did I know? It took me seven weeks to tape the pieces together again.

It 'was in code.

Since then, have been followed. It happens again and again. If there are eight hundred cars in a parking lot, when I get in my car, the only other person get through their car at the same time is the right next to mine.

You think this is a coincidence?

Finally, I went to a home on an errand and there, right there, one of the prisoners who took the drug spilled the beans, he confessed everything.

They are among us! They're taking over. I have proof!

The Tranisiuc. A race of aliens from outer space that have been landing here and infiltrating our society, taking our point of view (I did not understand how to adjust our eyes, but I).

If this do not get me first.

I'm laying in some professions. This is their plan to take over. Jobs that allow them access to records, records.

What professions you ask? The most common. Blue and white collar jobs, such as auto mechanic. When you drop the car off to make it fixed, which gives you plenty of time for foreigners rifle through your glove compartment, and check your checkbook, registration and other documents. The boy in my place Garages that will not speak with me, and looks at me strange when I ask a simple question about whether he can get me a part for a cheaper repair.

He is one of them. I know.

Moreover, the woman in the room to your home school, the receptionist. Can quiz your child about you. Have access to documents on you. Where you live, what you do.

But these are only the vanguard. Others are coming.

This ferry agents from their mysterious planet. The other night I was enjoying a martini, and saw a diamond-shaped pattern of ten of their craft flying in close formation.

They were en route to San Francisco.

This is how they take over. A double of you comes to your door, saying they are working their way through college, and asks if you want to buy an encyclopedia.

Before you can answer, thugs Tranisiuc out from behind the bushes and beat your way.

Your alien double takes your place.

They disappear. Forever.

The government knows everything. Were informed. But to divert the panic among the general public, we have kept in the dark.

What is the Tranisiuc want?

According to the guy at the nursing home, want to enslave us for our oil reserves. They seem to have a system in which incomplete anal acts as a laxative oil connection, allows them to go more fully into the bathroom. They have enslaved other planets for their oil reserves.

Now it's our turn.

We must demand a full investigation by our government, and a preemptive strike against Tranisiuc.

If I disappear. If Tranisiuc kidnap me and take me to their planet .... Remember. I tried to warn her.

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