Saturday, June 30, 2012

Spirituality and technology: what will save us?

Many of these days believe that technology, particularly information technology, is key to achieving a future world that is ecologically and environmentally sustainable, socially as well as being stable. Are they right? Others believe that a balanced spirituality, one that focuses on generosity, peace and compassion should be the main ingredient in a recipe for a true human evolution. What do you think? This is a problem in black and white? It seems that most of the challenges that humanity comes across these days are fixed with lateral thinking, often with multiple answers and solutions currently used. This different approach to solving problems can be the 'corner' that we need to take to become a safe, healthy, happy world we have always dreamed about. Technology and spirituality may one day combine to form a powerful force? Some may ask: "It 's already happening now, right under your nose?"

Working for an Internet company are virtually surrounded by 'technical' people, people of analysis, problem-solving. When I arrived at the office I was shocked by the complete absence of biological life and aesthetics here. No plants, no pictures or paintings on the wall. Was certainly not a place you think of when contemplating spirituality. The tales are forests, oceans, ancient temples, art galleries, certainly not IT departments. I wondered how my companion species could survive in an environment so devoid of beauty, nature, creativity, ironically the only power that we need to develop new technologies. They seemed so content staring into their computer monitors blue, fingers tapping gently and quickly on their keyboards. It 'was really scary: a horror movie where the soft, steady, monotonous ticking is the only noise that filters through the silent void.

Having read and studied many religions and cultures gives a fairly accurate picture of what a spiritual person looks like. Or can you do? that people are transparent that they can say what are their intentions are only observing their material / physical self? Are all priests generous? All tech-heads of unsuspecting larger images of the Earth and the infinite universe that we are part of? The answers are beginning to be revealed.

Bill Gates is an excellent example of a tech-head who has gone through (unless its intentions for building software were always selfless, right?) In a world of spiritual compassion and generosity. world's richest man and his wife now run an organization ( investing huge sums of money in medical research so that human children of the future must not die of disease. They are focusing in particular on helping poor children in developing countries. Oddly enough, Bill was heavily criticized by colleagues who do not see these initiatives as profitable. However, many others have been inspired by so much generosity and so have invested billions in the same schemes.

On the other hand, a friend of mine told me the other day about how one of the most famous spiritual leaders of the world, Tibet's 14th Dalai Lama, has just put a site on the Internet at www.dalailama. com. Now people interested in Buddhism throughout the world can read and also to communicate with this famous man being peaceful. On the Internet and he is not the only wisdom to share on the web, let me tell you. See the photo slowly materializing in your frontal lobe? There is something going on here.

Some people think that technology 'Save' to us. Others think that we need to go back in time, back to tribal ways of life to create social cohesion necessary for our species to grow together and survive as one. The answer may be simpler than you might ever imagine. Building software is great, but if the manufacturer's sole intention is for personal gain and immense wealth, well, be careful if you are investing. I read that if you construct a fence with anger and pain (screaming at wooden tables, when not aligned correctly), relations with neighbors can deteriorate. If you cook a meal with love and fun through the meal-making process, your family and friends can enjoy the flavors, and show more gratitude for your efforts.

Sound as superstition? Attitude is everything. Technology can be an important factor in the survival of our world, but only if you walk hand in hand with an attitude that is truly focused on the improvement of humanity. What better thing to work? We all spend a lifetime undermining our goals and dreams. Why not build your next program with the intention to evolve our species to the next level? Or is that what you did from the beginning?

Friday, June 29, 2012

The meaning of pearls

Just like all other gemstones, pearls carry a meaning. Historically, the bright white orbs have been associated with the moon. With the high luster and deep color of pearls, no wonder why these natural gemstones have been held in high regard for thousands of years.

Eastern cultures believe that pearls symbolize purity and spiritual transformation. Simply wearing a pearl reminds the wearer to be honest, pure, wise and walk with dignity. Different colors of pearls bear different meanings. As expected, pearl white symbolizes purity, innocence, faith and honesty. Gold or black pearls symbolize prosperity and wealth. Rose or pink pearls work well with the heart Chakra, while all pearls work with the solar plexus Chakra, beneficial for digestion and immunity.

Just like other gemstones, pearls are given a single month as a birthstone. June is the month of pearl and many women and men born in the month of June proudly display their pearls to honor this fact. The birthstone chart was founded in the 16th century when it was believed for fair and good luck would fall on the wearer of their birthstone.

In Christianity, St. Augustine considered the pearl was a symbol of Jesus Christ, after evaluation of a passage in the biblical text that gives each of the twelve apostles a specific gemstone in their honor. " Actually there are several Bible passages that refer to pearls, the most famous allegory about a "gates of Heaven of heaven and" casting pearls before swine. "

The Japanese have always held in high regard pearls, and often associated with good luck than to wear the round beauties. It should be noted that the Japanese hold meaning only for the variety of saltwater pearl, since the round saltwater pearls are native to the archipelago chain and have made the island native quite popular due to the innovations of pearl harvesting companies like Mikimoto .

The pearls are the most popular accessories with bridal wear historically and continue to be a strong favorite today. The innocence and beauty symbolized by the pearl is also symbolized by the bride, so the match is perfect. From the traditional princess length pearl necklace for a stunning pendant, earrings, or bracelet mixing pearls with other precious stones, pearls are a fast favorite for weddings. Many wedding dresses, veils and headdresses are adorned with pearls to create a strikingly elegant effect.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Part 2 - American Morality - A glimmer of hope on the horizon

Part 2 for the article "American Morality - a glimmer of hope on the horizon."

Another sign of hope that Americans may be moving away from the mind set and not to excess, can be seen in huge outpouring of giving monetarily in the wake of the worst hurricane season in the United States took the minutes. The Americans have also given monetarily to the relief effort. The Americans have not given promptly to the ongoing hunger in Africa. In December 2005, the UN Food and Agriculture issued a warning that nearly 12 million Africans to address the immediate threat of famine. The Americans have failed to Pakistani earthquake relief efforts.

This lack of damage is not just because Americans are not willing to give, but rather because of the lack of media exposure. CNN would have preferred to spend hours talking about whether President Bush broke the law by wiretapping potential terrorists in the United States, then talk about important world issues like the thousands who die in the earthquake in Pakistan or famine in Africa. It 'very important that the media expose this kind of stories. You can not give unless you know the need.

The point is this. Giving on a continuous basis, produces feelings of happiness in the long term. For this country to return to its moral principles, giving to others in need is a way of moving in that direction. Which brings me back to my initial point. Americans need to get fully back to mind all that give and take less is of greater value then have more. We must move away from trying to produce short-term happiness by artificial means.

artificial symbols, such as type of car you drive, like your clothing is invented, or how many vacation homes you can buy should be of minor importance to anyone who has some substance to them. The next time you are propagating one of these excesses, think of 24,000 people per day die of hunger. Think of the six million children under five who die of hunger every year. Think about the downtrodden, the abused, and tortured. When you think about these things, making more sense. Give what you can and when you can.

Albert Einstein once said "the value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving." What many people do not realize is that Albert Einstein was a deeply religious man. He knew that only God could produce a universe so complex, and that this complexity could not be produced by random chaotic events. Vide order in the universe and the relationship of God with the universe. He simply did not wear his religion on his sleeve. He also had insight beyond the physical because he realized what a man really gives a sense of happiness and inner peace.

Einstein was right in that happiness comes not from what it takes, but in reality what you give. Whatever your religious beliefs, a time to give life to those less fortunate then yourself, will the long-term happiness. Give it a try. You might be surprised by the sensation it produces. A glimmer of hope on the horizon. The United States can return it to the biblical principles. But we must all do our part.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Aliens are among us

It can now be revealed.

Are taking over the world. They live and work among us.

The aliens of Tranisiuc.

This is not a drill. This is the real McCoy. I'm telling the world in the hope that we can do something before it is too late.

I saw this guy at an ATM outside the bank pulling his reception into a hundred pieces. Here's how it started. I was suspicious. So I retrieved some pieces.

It 'was in code.

Letters were written on paper LRLRLRLRLRLRL

How did I know? It took me seven weeks to tape the pieces together again.

It 'was in code.

Since then, have been followed. It happens again and again. If there are eight hundred cars in a parking lot, when I get in my car, the only other person get through their car at the same time is the right next to mine.

You think this is a coincidence?

Finally, I went to a home on an errand and there, right there, one of the prisoners who took the drug spilled the beans, he confessed everything.

They are among us! They're taking over. I have proof!

The Tranisiuc. A race of aliens from outer space that have been landing here and infiltrating our society, taking our point of view (I did not understand how to adjust our eyes, but I).

If this do not get me first.

I'm laying in some professions. This is their plan to take over. Jobs that allow them access to records, records.

What professions you ask? The most common. Blue and white collar jobs, such as auto mechanic. When you drop the car off to make it fixed, which gives you plenty of time for foreigners rifle through your glove compartment, and check your checkbook, registration and other documents. The boy in my place Garages that will not speak with me, and looks at me strange when I ask a simple question about whether he can get me a part for a cheaper repair.

He is one of them. I know.

Moreover, the woman in the room to your home school, the receptionist. Can quiz your child about you. Have access to documents on you. Where you live, what you do.

But these are only the vanguard. Others are coming.

This ferry agents from their mysterious planet. The other night I was enjoying a martini, and saw a diamond-shaped pattern of ten of their craft flying in close formation.

They were en route to San Francisco.

This is how they take over. A double of you comes to your door, saying they are working their way through college, and asks if you want to buy an encyclopedia.

Before you can answer, thugs Tranisiuc out from behind the bushes and beat your way.

Your alien double takes your place.

They disappear. Forever.

The government knows everything. Were informed. But to divert the panic among the general public, we have kept in the dark.

What is the Tranisiuc want?

According to the guy at the nursing home, want to enslave us for our oil reserves. They seem to have a system in which incomplete anal acts as a laxative oil connection, allows them to go more fully into the bathroom. They have enslaved other planets for their oil reserves.

Now it's our turn.

We must demand a full investigation by our government, and a preemptive strike against Tranisiuc.

If I disappear. If Tranisiuc kidnap me and take me to their planet .... Remember. I tried to warn her.

© Copyright 2006 by

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Emailing in Business and Quality of Life

Communication in the days before -

There was a time when prehistoric times, people communicate in sign language. Today many of us talk to each other through an SMS shortly. Times have changed. Humans have changed? These are our basic desires changed? No!

About the modern world -

How to live in this modern world and still maintain close contact that touches the heart, while using modern technology? Each communication should not be heart to heart. A simple business mail must be precise and to the point. But what about our communication with our friends and family?

Even business needs of communication that speaks the language of the heart. Look at the successful advertising. You will find that the company is trying to touch the hearts of consumers. Study any close business relationship, and you will find that the relationship has crossed the "point of talking" business and reached the heart to heart talk between the buyer and supplier.

Communication for better relationships-

For long-lasting relationships and live a happy life, we need to communicate with anyone you come across in language that is dear to us all. This is the language that touches the heart! How do? What can be done?

Write e-mail secretary -

Email is the most widespread and common communications in today's world. Most of us who are otherwise not on our computers all day, trying to find time to check our email and respond. Emails have become the preferred method and the second habit, rather than an essential part of a modern person.

How do you talk to another email? Some of us are very short, as some others believe in writing long paragraphs to send a small message. It 's like our behavior in other areas of life. Those who believe in talking less, write short answers and mail. Our habits, acting in the way we write emails. But the habit of sending mail to short is becoming more prevalent.

Why quick email?

Why is that short mail are becoming more common? And 'because most of us not finding the time to talk. We are always so busy and rushed that gone are the days when people used to sit and write your own text, after deep reflection. For the majority of young people, the main task is to respond to end all mail as soon as possible. How does a heart speaks to heart in a life like that?

This reflects our lifestyle in the modern world. Most of us want to achieve our objectives in the shortest possible time. Nobody has time to sit and reflect. Life is becoming a prisoner of work. Even our ancestors used to work, but we are content to live a life as they used to? The answer is no. Short writing habit is part of the deterioration of quality of life.

Email - The cause of the poor quality of life?

Email is one of the causes of deteriorating quality of communication? This can be discussed. But the easy answer and hurry to open another email and the answer leads us to finish our mails fast. The technology makes us do it. The response of the computer is so fast that we are in a hurry unconscious. Is this not worth a thought?

What can you do?

We must try to live a happy and satisfied. For this, we must communicate better. Our communication must be heart to heart, even when we fast all day. This is a little difficult but not impossible as it sounds. Sending e-cards, egreetings and can help us do that to a large extent. A quick search online, and you will find a great resource cards that speak the language of the heart. It may take a little 'more time, but we will give satisfaction to the end of the day.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Harry Potter Audio Books The Pros and Cons

The Harry Potter mania has not skipped the audio books world. In addition to the Harry Potter books, films and video games you can find all the Harry Potter series on audio books formats - downloadable audio books, audio books on CDs or books on tape. And 'good for our children? Decide for yourself, then know the pros and cons of the Harry Potter audio books:


1. Harry Potter audio books are a great educational activity for young children who can not read yet or for children with dyslexia. Yet, children may be afraid of some of the chapters of Harry Potter audio books - just skip these parts.

2. The Harry Potter audio books are the perfect solution for children who dislike reading. It will help you get all the essential values of Harry Potter, without actually reading. More than that, it might encourage them to start reading books. One mother told me that allow children to play only the first Harry Potter audio. To know the rest of the Harry Potter series, his children were actually read.

3. The Harry Potter audio books are the best way to teach children the correct pronunciation. A perfect reading will teach them new words and correct speaking techniques.

4. The Harry Potter audio books will keep your kids busy for hours. You could use while traveling by car, instead of reading them, before going to sleep or just get some rest your children.

The cons:

1. The Harry Potter audio books may encourage children not to read books. In some cases I have heard of children who started listening to audio books, I read fewer books. However, I think it's all a matter of a good education and parents 'domination'.

2. Some say that listening to audio books like the Harry Potter audio books may damage the imagination and creativity of children.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Agricultural subsidies can undermine biotechnology in African countries

There is a growing consensus that modern biotechnology is the key to sustainable development. It is, in particular, in light of the fact that world population is growing rapidly, with no expansion land. Modern biotechnology is considered cost-effective and therefore very applicable to farming scarce resource. Mounting scientific evidence linking GM crops and high yields. This explains why sub-Saharan Africa, long ravaged by drought and famine is encouraged to embrace modern biotechnology.

Modern biotechnology is already dominant in the United States, Canada, Spain, Mexico, China, Argentina and Brazil. These countries not only produce enough for its domestic consumption, but also for export. Perhaps this is the most significant aspect of the cultivation of GM crops. Because without the surplus market returns would be ready to go to waste. I raise this issue because the current trade imbalance threatens endangered North-South technology transfer. This is especially critical in Africa, which for years has struggled to penetrate oversees markets with little success.

Let me illustrate this point. Currently, the United States and Europe are involved in a bitter trade war with four West African countries - Burkina Faso, Benin, Chad and Mali, as well as subsidies that have their cotton producers. The four West African countries, popularly known as C4 attribute low cotton prices, which are seriously crippling their farmers, these subsidies. The grants are intended to ensure that farmers always have value for their investment in agricultural holdings. They need not worry about price fluctuations are guaranteed compensation from governments.

The current regime in which the United States and Europe heavily subsidize their cotton growers heavy handicaps their counterparts in poor countries whose governments can not afford subsidies! They end up going to take the cotton bit 'of money, in fact unsustainable making his farm. White gold, once West Africa is about to turn into dust. This is unacceptable because it means bankrupt the economies of these already poor countries. Twelve of the 15 Economic Commission for West African States (ECOWAS) States are considered least developed. Do not rich countries think they have a contribution to make to leave these countries from the yoke of poverty?

In Benin and Burkina Faso, cotton accounts for about 40 percent of export earnings of goods, while in Mali and Chad, which represents 30 per cent. Cotton, then the backbone of the economies of these countries.

It is instructive to note that direct losses to West Africa as a result of U.S. and EU subsidies are estimated at 250 million U.S. dollars annually. The United States, alone, in the 2001-2002 season subsidized its cotton farmers to the tune of 2.3 billion U.S. dollars. The economic damage wrought by subsidies on these countries is unfathomable. Urgent action and the United States and Europe must come to their rescue.

These West African countries have now submitted a petition to the World Trade Organization (WTO) to correct this imbalance of trade. Unfortunately, the U.S. and Europe pledged to dig their heels to frustrate them. Their action is ill advised and in bad faith.

During the September 2003 WTO Ministerial Conference in Cancun, the U.S. government has proposed that West African countries diversify cultivation of cotton. Because these countries diversify from cotton farming? This defeats the very spirit of modern biotechnology, among other benefits, farmers ensure high yields.

As a strategy to help farmers improve their cotton growing cotton, the United States, through the powerful International Cotton Advisory Committee and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is offering to share their discoveries in biotechnology. This technology transfer, as a matter of fact, lead to high yields. Where are expected to take their surplus cotton if the global market for this product remains tilted in favor of the United States and Europe?

There is general willingness on the part of African countries to embrace modern biotechnology. Some West African countries, including Mali and Burkina Faso are already experiencing thurigiensis Bacillus (Bt) cotton in the hope of improving their cotton production. The best way for the United States and Europe to encourage poor countries to embrace modern biotechnology is to ensure their ready market for their agricultural products. Removal of agricultural subsidies is the first step towards achieving this goal.

Friday, June 22, 2012

The argument is Stale!

If politics has a place in genetically modified (GM) food debate? "No," is the obvious answer. Politics and science are such sworn adversaries who can not eat the same dish. Policy mainly thrive on propaganda, libel, insults and personal gratification at the expense of the general good. Science is rooted in verifiable facts, is objective, kind, and aims to make the world a better place for us all to live. You can not politicize science unless you fancy mediocrity.

A Jeffrey Smith, author of "Seeds of Deception", this week advised South Africans to avoid genetically modified foods like the plague. Why? South Africans lose European beef and poultry markets, where they feed their livestock on genetically modified foods. To be sure, South Africans should use the conventional food. Pooh!

"There is a massive rejection of genetically modified ingredients in human food in Europe, and the growing demand that animals are fed crops," Smith told his audience. What advice misleading!

Deliberately misleading the public on any question is morally reprehensible and abominable. Those who exploit the vulnerability of the poor for self-risk benefit to the world isolation. Why misinform to confuse? The United States of America is a traditional manufacturer of GM foods. United States European beef markets have not been reduced due to cultivate GMOs.Latest statistics at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) show beef and veal exports ballooned from £ 461,000,000 in 2004 615,000,000,000 pounds in 2005. The bulk of the exports went to European markets. Smith lives in the United States and should have made it clear to his audience. Had he done so, I would not be here writing this article.

Europe, in turn, is embracing genetically modified foods. Last month, the EU approved the importation of genetically modified feed. Smith wants to tell South Africa that Europe is itself in the foot?

Already, farmers in five European Union countries, including France and Germany are growing genetically modified foods. They have lost their meat and poultry markets. In Spain, GM maize harvest this year will exceed 50,000 hectares, each of which will be used as feed for livestock. Spain, beef markets in Europe remain intact. They are in limbo. These are facts and no amount of propaganda and grandstanding will change. Let us be pragmatic when discussing the issue of genetically modified food.This is the only way to help consumers make informed decisons.

Debate on the pros and cons of GM food is a luxury for Africa. Someone must not believe that Africa would lose oversees markets for growing genetically modified foods. Africa can not supply at the moment. Women and children are dying in Niger, Ethiopia, Eritrea and hunger. The priority now should be to produce food for export, but to feed the hungry and malnourished. For fear that Africa will lose oversees markets is putting the cart before the horse.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

911 Questions and FAQ

911 Facts

The number 911 was the news frequently over the past two years.

The emergency number 911 is composed of people when they need fire or police assistance, ambulance quickly. In 911 of the Lower Seine area was ceded to the Viking invaders under Hrolf Ranger as the Duchy of Normandy (Treaty sur Epte Santa Clara).

Anastasius III became Pope 911-913.
The Danes started towv of Drogheda in Ireland.
9 11 also stands for the terrible terrorist attack in New York and the Pentagon, where thousands of people were killed.

Here are some questions relevant to today have not yet been answered:

Because the 'stop the FBI investigation into their mid-1996 of two relatives of Osama bin Laden and a Muslim organization in Washington, the World Assembly of Muslim Youth?

Perhaps because they were orders from above to stop the investigations related to bin Laden family?

Why George W. Bush gave orders to stop investigations into terrorist connections of the Bin Laden family in the United States and abroad in early 2001?

Because the U.S. government to allow all members of the bin Laden family to fly outside the United States, while all other air traffic was grounded? Perhaps because the bin Laden family financed the Bush family politically for a long time?

Because none of the 19 hijackers appear on the list of passengers involved in 4 floors hijjacked? May explain why none of the indestructible black boxes were found in one of our crash?

When was the last time George HW Bush traveled to the Middle East on behalf of the privately owned Carlyle Group, one of the largest defense companies in the U.S. and what was the purpose of this meeting?

If you knew that there was a terrorist attack in progress, we did, and suddenly we have two trade towers in New York, of course, be affected by terrorist acts, and knew also of changing commercial airliners en route from Boston to Los Angeles when was the response of the defense establishment once we saw the hijacking of the aircraft headed west from Dulles turn 180 degrees and, likewise, in the aircraft taking off from Newark and in flight turning 180 degrees?


Commenting from CNN on the timeline, 9:03 is the time that the United Airlines flight crashed into the south tower of World Trade Center 09:43 is the time that American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. And 10:10 is the time that United Airlines Flight 93 crashed in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.

Discrepancies between surveys Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Commission's findings 9 / 11:

There was a highly classified United States Special Operations Command program under the command of U.S. Special Operations Command.

It 'was created following a directive of the Joint Chiefs' of Staff in early October 1999 by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Hugh Shelton, to develop an Information Operations Campaign Plan against transnational terrorism ", particularly in Qaeda. "

According to statements by Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer and confirmed by four others, Able Danger had identified September 11, 2001 attack leader Mohamed Atta and three of the 9 / 11 plot the 19 hijackers as possible members of a cell linked to al Qaeda ' 1993 attacks on the World Trade Center.

The group used all information legally collected under the rule of law. Mainly consisting of confidential information, obtained all public information was approved after a legal review of SOCOM lawyers.

Early identification of the four hijackers by Able Danger seems to contradict the official conclusion of the 9 / 11 Commission, that American intelligence agencies had identified Atta as a terrorist before the attack.

This has led to a political controversy that has begun to damage the credibility of the bipartisan 9 / 11 Commission.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Children Of A Star

A lot of people around the world telling stories. Stories can add understanding of the meaning of our life as a medium for the transference of wisdom and knowledge. A story that interests me is the story of us: the children of a star, a star we call the sun. Oh, sure there are many books out there that explain who and what we are. Some are religious, others considered scientific. I always found most of these stories is a bit 'too complex to explain the reality of our existence here in the Universe. And if the answers are actually too simple, shining above us, yet paradoxically this is why we are blind to them? Are simply too obvious!

Let's start at the beginning logical: Big Bang, God creations ... call it as you can see, my friends. I see a huge ball of fire burning in the darkness of space. Clearly the 'dark' is where it comes from. How it came to be, I do not know, but I can say that is very good, because it is there: really cool. It 'also quite impressive forms of life energy that came to be the cause of the fireball that the radiant energy. We are literally made up the essence of the 'Sun': the children of a star. I do not see too many people today worship the Sun as the 'old' Aztecs, but why not? It makes our world back to life, makes the sky blue.

Like all living things, the end of the story is the same. We call the process: death. One day the sun will die too, unbelievable to think, and probably will not happen for another 5 billion years, but the same means our little history of the earth will come to an end. I doubt very much that the history of the universe ever end, his power and infinite space time is a bit 'above my head, or is it? Could be very simple: a story that never ends, an energy that never really born or die simply because it always was.

There may be some strange form of consciousness out there who remember us after us is a great opportunity, but we will disappear and our history Our departure will be complete. So in the meantime, we talk about half of this history of the Earth for a story has no substance without the journey between the beginning and end. What is our history so far? Where is our story the next round? What do we say as we speak? What is the purpose of this trip? These are questions you probably asked for and heard by a multitude of other times since you came to be.

The answers to these questions may be as simple as that, if words would not understand, so do not try to articulate my views here. We know the story for ourselves. We must be simple, and be aware of being. The reader is the writer, editor and publisher of the most important story of all: the story of a child of the stars. We had a huge gift to be here ... might be time to finally return to reciprocity? The true history pages are the days of our lives. Have you read the words carefully, reading speed, or tap the text? Warning, this is not the kind of book you can read twice!

By Jesse S. Somer

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The future success in the realm of creativity

Long-standing business, commerce and law were the main areas of study for students wishing to become successful in our modern materialistic society. Places like Harvard Business School, where elements were elite so-called human intelligence hoped to be trained so that they could then reach the highest offices of state and wealth. Well, things are changing. This is because these people are now outsourced. Currently, companies can achieve the same work done by people from India and Asia for one-fifteenth what it costs to rent an overpriced white collar American or European. The future no longer lies in these areas of financial process. The successful future now lie in the ideas. Artists The poor, hungry, are fighting the bosses of tomorrow. Creativity is now seen as the desired quality for a positive growth in each and every industry in our world.

Who cares how well you know the system of finance? The question now is: how are you going to innovate and create new ideas that the company further and encourage others to participate in your areas of interest? The artists are being sought by businesses to produce images that inspired both investment and consumption. Idea creators are valued for their talent and ability to change the way society functions. We all know that the only constant in life is that all things are in constant flux, constant change. So how are you going to create changes that society more?

Halfway through the article, I realized that I had to go to the bathroom, but after entering the Cabinet found that the toilet was non-existent. As I work for a web hosting company which is pretty relaxed about these things, I decided to take a breath of fresh air and get off the corporate supplier and buy some. As I walked along the street hot summer with a package of 48 rolls of poo-wiping matter tree on my head, African style, I wondered if it could not be ironic that this document was crapping sitting so close to my brain. Maybe I'm full of s * # you are the creative people will always be thought of as people who just suck the rest of society just to satisfy their whims afterlife. I do not think so. Business graduates can be once been in a position of absolute authority, where they could pay what they want to use their special hard-to-come-by services. But now the situation is reversed. Oh yes, the company can still operate with the full financial capitalist game, but accountants can tell me ten lawyers who changed the face of the world. You can?

Maybe you can. Maybe you're one of those super-smart that they know everything about how humanity has evolved over the millennia. Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Van Gogh, Picasso, Einstein, Newton, Edison, Socrates and Buddha: How many of these people who changed the world were graduate business? Creative ideas have always been intrinsic factors in the creation of radical changes to social systems and beliefs about our world. I think we're on a pendulum, and things are once again about to swing to a moment of inspiration and imagination. Even in the current money-driven social paradigm seems that new ideas and ways of perception are to be integral to its success. If we want to be a big part of the team of human future, it is time once again to open the right side of our brain and become balanced in our thinking processes. I am full of shit or full of inspiration? You be the judge.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Worse Than Tsunami trade protectionism hurts the citizens of the Third World

Last Thursday, I was heartened to read the news that my church, Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY, had collected $ 732,000 from its members (in addition to his weekly) for tsunami relief in Southeast Asia. Which partially offset the news that I had read the previous Thursday - as reported in The Wall Street Journal - that the tariffs were imposed on Sri Lanka's nearly 250 million U.S. dollars in 2003.

Almost all of this amount the tax was imposed on the textile industry in Sri Lanka. And the amount required that a foreign industry exceeded all tariffs on all trade with all six Scandinavian countries - despite the fact that these countries export almost 12 times more for the United States, about 10 times more than GDP
people of Sri Lanka, and which have per capita incomes are far higher than those in Sri Lanka.

Why does this happen?

The textile industry in this country is one of many interest groups that benefit from having their restricted competition. They and their politicians are in favor of imposing discriminatory taxes on foreign producers and American consumers.

In contrast to the obvious benefits for politicians and industry protected, the costs imposed are thin. How many know that consumers pay significantly higher prices for clothing because of these laws? How many voters care that foreign workers and investors in poor countries are hampered in their ability to sell products to the market the world's richest?

Why Christians tend to pay attention almost exclusively to relatively few (though important) problems, they often ignore other important policies. The passions of the charm religious right on issues of social morality and abortion, but rarely think about issues of economic justice. The Scriptures, especially through the
prophets, offer a more balanced picture. The interests of the religious left are concentrated more closely around the fate of the poor.

But their political attention in this world are relatively narrow, focusing primarily on welfare and foreign aid. Pragmatism would seem to justify discussing a wider range of issues. Libertarians are thrilled to receive voluntary Christian charity, but saddened that the political shenanigans that can easily swamp the efforts of people ompassionate.

All that said, care for the poor and oppressed is not a strictly Christian year. And few people, Christian or not, are informed about primary and secondary consequences of significant political issues. Although Southeast Christian Church may be pleased and honored to pay a portion of the tax burden of Uncle Sam for the Sri Lankans,
maybe we should all pay more attention to larger issues of trade protectionism and the mechanics of economic justice.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Acts of our glorious parliamentary

I always have to remember to take a deep breath to examine the laws proposed by our great Legislature. I hate most of the new legislation on the table, but to forgive our representatives in the House and Senate for it. After all, laws that writing is a term ago, and if not just write the laws, you can begin to look as though they were idle.

Call me weird, but I would rather a term that produces goofs off and under new laws. I think we have enough of them, and agree with Mark Twain, who famously said that nobody's life, liberty, or property is safe even if the legislature is in session.

Mainly, it is because no legislator wants to look like a slacker, especially after the elections. And 'bad taste. As a result, you get some horrible suggestions that I would cast as an attempt to hide behind some good intention of looking up significantly, or at least busy.

House Bill 1508 is a textbook case of how such a proposal.

Representative Vanessa Summers, Indianapolis, a Democrat, has introduced legislation banning the use of cell phones, making exception for hands-free devices for emergency use. The fine for violating the proposed law would be up to $ 25.

The intent is to make our streets a little 'less dangerous. We all grumbled idiot guilty to driving while in conversations that we cut or made us miss the light, and we cursed the driver and his cell phone. proposal Summers' inspired by similar laws passed in New York and the District of Columbia. As everyone knows, these cities now have the safest in the world.

This law is full of problems of practical application concerns higher than individual freedom.

So four friends, right off the top of my head, who would gladly pay up to $ 25 at a cost of doing business. They think that highly of each and every one of their calls. $ 25 is any kind of deterrent for these people.

What is the use of emergency? I call the emergency use of a phone as a frantic call to a friend, because I suddenly had offered me two tickets to a Colts playoff game, 'and I accept it within five minutes, or tickets will be sent a co-worker. My wife described it as having reached an agreement on the furniture, and she is on her way home so I can look at tissue samples. I'm betting that this is not what the agent had in mind. Some revisions will be in order.

But because only cell phones? If the real intent of the law is to eliminate distractions from our streets, why not ban all? Summers could rightly expand the proposal to include a ban on smoking in the car, adjusting the radio or the insertion of a Britney Spears CD, eating fast food, scolding mice covered the back seat, talking with your spouse, or beard applying makeup, doing the Crossword Puzzle, using a laptop, asking for directions on screen to Starbucks, and try your excuse that explains the delay in your head.

Can we really ban Britney Spears CD? I digress.

Before the law is done with the revisions, no common person will be able to read and understand, and most importantly, it will only continue to take their chances.

This raises the important philosophical question: why bother?

It is not enough citations may already be granted if the use of a phone is the cause of an accident? Because the heap? No harm, no foul: If you use a cell phone is not in any danger at this time, why not penalized for the damage that was caused?

Ah, the law should be a deterrent, to eliminate the possibility of damage. But it will become even more? How much of a stretch is to imagine the police pulling over drivers who endanger anyone on a deserted road at 23:00, but who are guilty of making a cell call, just so the officer can meet its monthly fee? Not a bad all his?

Say, if the police pull a driver to the side of the road, not that kind of distraction that could cause an accident? Should be banned!

We hope that this Bill dies in committee. If it passes, Summers will play for reelection in 2006 on the basis of having produced this wonderful law ... and have been properly employed.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sing your music original Pinoy In Italian

I've been gone for our strange landscape for several weeks and yet I never found, nor to the right subject to discuss in this crazy business. I put on the radio and feel the solemnity of Aiza Seguera knew how to cut the madness and desperation of an empty coconut. Unfortunately, I did get sleepy with the song recorded, but with God's help, my long search was over the same time. I found what I strive to see the issue OPM.

OPM was the mark of Filipino songs as time and had already established their careers. But as the clock runs, the style that people crave round and has been shown in the music scene. I am a fan and at the same time, an artist (not judging me, please) of music and I heard the transformation. I do not understand the point of destroying the past and build another present and future, but I think a change needs to be done to this image. Some people say, not worth it because OPM Original Pinoy Music to be in Filipino language while on the contrary, a universal language could raise high the name of the field even if I was the victim of OPM round once, I accidentally in the photo the song "Let Me Be The One" (Jimmy Bondoc) to be an original piece of Nick Carter (a star foreign) which is a serious mistake and a great pride. As a mistake because I thought that only foreign artist can make good music in English, a great pride as a result of having a competent singer to international superstar. Having these advantages and disadvantages you can growl with the push of a disagreement or approving nod.

Almost all local artists moved from Filipino to English for their songs. The trepidation of having empty Filipino OPM pieces for literary-musical contest Contest is not far from reality. Remember that only the songs Filipinos are skilled in litmus races so far. I joined a writing contest and I discovered that even competitors are craving for recognition of English OPMs to be added to the list of songs qualified, even I. I also tried that OPMs English are easier to sing, rather than Filipinos because of the end of each sentence. English OPMs often ends sentences with A and E, compared to the Philippines which ends with O and U, which is much more difficult to control. You can also jade mouth full. I have a good feeling about this (to justify) that the judges in these competitions measure the ability of a singing talent with the difficulties and Ooooing Uuuuing in the song but more than that, I think OPMs English is cool.

The respect and patriotism of the Filipino language use may be reason to restrict songs done in English, but with globalization there insanely desire, I just doubt. Try to sit down and tune in a radio station, see the OPM song is playing, 80% of it is in English, only 20% are Filipino. From "Forever's Not Enough" to "hands to heaven," I do not believe that someone would try to seek kundiman. I can not say why exactly listeners have a better reception with songs in English, except these songs can easily break the monotony of the songs and can be easily inserted with adlibs and acrobats. That is all.

Having OPMs in English is not a big problem for anyone, composers, artists or listeners but also to the history, heroes and the Philippines are strongly opposed. English is not a monster but to love and to develop ours, ours is more appreciative. Do not you think? For me, yes, but I still maintain my position, it is easier to sing in English (sorry!)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

MYTH ITSA can be real?

Witches, warlocks, ghosts, elves, vampires, mermaids, mermen and monsters, superstitious creatures who often used to scare small children for some time. Are considered myths that make up our customs and traditions. They are teaching tools for children moral values with his own background scary. The characters are more antagonistic in the film not to mention their high market value. But are these immortal live only in legends, stories, books, or horror? Or are they just preparing for the right moment to reveal their true?

Remember that gay, lesbian and transgender people were not created earlier, but just sprouted in the middle of the time. Have passed the stage of being a myth (one would expect that a boy might look like a real girl) and were raised, in fact, in due course. Who would have expected the transformation. Who would have thought they could dominate the cutest boys and girls more sexy.

Like thirdsex, superstitious creatures did not evolve from monkeys, but were modeled as legendary figures. They pass the mythological stage, but the opportunity to make their living or living with them in this physical world is still being observed. The waiting time or waiting is unpredictable, maybe a thousand years ago, a year ago or a month ago, may be yesterday, or may now be ...

TV shows, movies and the news had even opened its doors to these monsters. Sirens dominate the TV screens, while every night of witches began throwing their spells each year. From hero to those mythological creatures antagonist Flipendos Patronuses From Harry Potter and the immortality of the vampire and skills impalement, the movie industry has raised its splendor to the summit of success. Add Marina, Dugong and pearly with Charmed, the TV ratings also demonstrated its domination. No one refuses to see these creatures, although they are all myths (as we believe). These concepts involve unreasonable to try to something scary or real? These shows and movies signs of an imminent entry?

Modern technology, modern lifestyles and modern world forcefully remove the belief in imaginary creatures (if they are really imaginary) and turns in life sciences, but because we still have them move into film and even frightened by their presence in the films of 'horror?

The values in the face of these characters are really low (except for Harry Potter and Navy), which is an effective way to put the audience in shock but the fact that we are still enjoying Being afraid of them and controlled by them is a bit 'the doubt. We say we do not believe vampires and monsters, but if we look at Van Helsing, can guide us to close our eyes. These instances may conclude that we still believe them despite of living in the modern world. We do not believe because we are afraid, but because we are afraid to put them in this real world.

Even the news and reality shows were covered by monsters and witches lately. A TV show focuses on his concept with frightening creatures, invisible and unwanted creatures. Provides true stories of unwanted presences. This show has stated that the main cause is to frighten the spectators but I do believe its real cause is to prepare for the new reality, the fact that these creatures live with us in an unknown location. News program had also made an angle with serious aswang, vampires, cults, taking the risk of losing its credibility as a body of truth, if proven false. The light that they put on these problems may be related to the presence of these creatures in our world today.

The preparation for their entry is to begin, the background to their stories and natural habitats. The health risks and their defense mechanisms had already been discussed. The only thing we do is to pray and ask for guidance and forgiveness for our Creator ... and to tell him to postpone or cancel VISA these beasts' to our world.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The default is the emotional state of sadness and happiness for every A Plane Temporary sensory in which all strive to maintain and Well Being There?

Sadness is the emotional state of permanent happiness and that every being exists only a temporary mood or Emotion - the Ultimate sentiment or ideal that we strive to possess but Will Never?

Recently my friend and writer Andrea Duerme I had a heavy conversation, which has concentrated mainly on a concept of sadness, namely "The sadness is the default emotional state in which all beings exist."

From the speech, we were able to draw some insightful statements reflect and consider punishment.

Take note, however, that our intent is not to claim that the ideas as absolute truths, but to present the statements as the only additional points to consider. Because at the end, everyone still has to be the magician of our beliefs and creators of our decisions. In short, everything that we learn from other points should only be considered valid and not an absolute truth to believe.

For according to Paul Feyeraband (1924-1994) "Science, [as well] philosophy is always revolutionary, because what drives scientific research is the competition provided by a number of alternative theories," and

As in "Invictus" by William Ernest Henley (1849-1903):

"Under the likelihood of strokes' ax

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

I am the master of my fate;

I am the captain of my soul. "

Here are the general statements taken from penetrating discourse, as detailed by Andrea. And after every article I included the part of the actual chat path from which it originated:

1. Since humans are constantly trying to "find" or "achieve" happiness, happiness is alien status in the natural state of man.

"... Human beings are naturally and normally discouraged ... happiness is the state that needs to be achieved pain and fatigue, while the sadness is the state we are always ...."-- elf

2. The happiness that humans think they are and will always be temporary, since nothing can ultimately and permanently keep them happy, because of their complexity and the changing needs and desires.

"... Human beings are too complex to find a kind of happiness that satisfies them completely. - AD

3. If humans were actually born sad, then it is safe to say that 'sadness' is the neutral plane on which they gravitate after experiencing a 'high happiness.'

"Or is it just the sad state of default, which tends to be any escape?" - Elf

4. If they realize it or not, humans are essentially more in sorrow than in joy for sadness is the feeling that naturally resides within.

"Happiness is like a pleasure trip, to be sad is to be home." - AD

5. Sadness is the default state and the starting point of human existence, and fragments of circumstances that make humans happy just means clustering of a temporary escape from this state.

"... Happiness can only come from pain and suffering ... so, every being is, after all naturally sad." - Elf

6. Since there is no lasting happiness can not be measured by its longevity, but by its frequency (or the number of times that existed during the life of a person.)

"... Happiness is not measured by its longevity. It is measured by how many times has come our way." - AD

7. In striving to achieve a state of happiness is a way of being alive or alive.

"People continue to work to achieve that feeling of being happy because it eliminates the feeling of being stagnant." - AD

8. Most of the time, the experience of human happiness has exaggerated the intensity of his anticipation of that particular experience.

"The happiness that people get every now and then are actually fed by illusions of its intensity." - AD

I'm ending this article with a theoretical answer to the question probably universal "Because we always find ourselves more expressive (and as the poets, the most prolific), when we are sad when we are happy?" Answer: "We find much meaning in suffering, because this is our natural state. Happiness is like a pleasure trip. To be sad is to be home." Indeed, if happiness is really the default state of mankind, because then we are always in pursuit of happiness - for ways to make life better for all of us?

- June 2004, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada While listening to "The skyline of St Mirin" of Close Lobster ('What is there to smile', '1988, Enigma Records)

© 2004 elf Ideas

Monday, June 11, 2012

Atheist, anyone?


I can not imagine why some people choose to be atheists or agnostics, when all around us, even the least bit 'religion, can see God everywhere, even with narrow eyes. No matter how he is ignored or denied, its signature is seen in the training easier cloud in the sky to the smallest tree for the rarest breed of fish. Wow, are everywhere!

How can they be so blind when the same air that fills their lungs and being are all through, and kindness of God?!

I can not imagine a world without God I mean, the great God I AM. And I can not understand even more as a man can go through life stages and life stages, what happens to the rest of us, with only their human strength and rely on common sense. Even the strongest man that ever lived tire and become tired. Even the wisest man that life never stumbles philosophate confusion or numbness too.

How can any one, even those data are very complex and a huge chunk of trials and travails of life can march ahead and say "I do not believe in God?" How? How can it survive? What it does, who does he turn when times happen that he is at the end of himself?

Well, that's their problem. Me? I'm sitting pretty. God is my father! And if not, I can not even begin to breathe without recognizing him for that.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ideal values that should appear on TV

The rapid changes we have now in this time especially in the media, we all know and are aware of the consequences or the influence of TV Moral values should be the concern throughout most of the TV theme Regarding presentation.

The media is really affecting our daily lives. It influences our lives in many ways. This factor is made possible because of its extensive coverage of all world.So based on its impact, the media should be accountable for their service to the people.

They must choose carefully the information necessary before introducing to televiewers.The network has the responsibility of showing the ideal values and applicable in their service to the people.

Everything that appears on the TV screen should not be a bad image that people will in particular minors. They should avoid scenes overactive gimmick and not important to achieve a high network rating.Some doing some tricks in their performances and publicity for me irrelevant.Remember that the primary duty of television is to inform and serve the people what they can.

We all know that television is a part of our daily lives that makes us laugh, cry, and surprised. So we are fortunate to have TV with us at this time.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Sometimes I hear the words, "if they are really meant to be ..." and I would throw up or do anything unusually bad unhumorously a cynic like me would do.

If they are really meant to be - is like saying "whatever fate or destiny decide, or should say ...."

That is crap, in my opinion.

Why oh why the devil comes in yourself the command of some unseen uncontrollable force that is powered by pure chance?!

Therefore, implying that anything good or bad that happens in our lives - not our doing ...?

We are designed, not intended - and though some may not see a significant difference between the two words ... they do not mean the same thing ...

Friday, June 8, 2012

Excise threatens cigarette industry

MANILA, Philippines - The local cigarette industry might go up in smoke if the government does not act quickly. The government may be deluding favoring an excise duty which creates an uneven playing field in the field of local cigarettes.

Revenue Regulation 22-2003 requires an increase in excise duty only on certain brands of cigarettes according to their current retail price, while maintaining the excise taxes of others even though retail prices have increased since 1997.

Case in point is how the branding of a local cigarette manufacturer, which the Bureau Internal Revenue (BIR), classified as an existing one, is taxed at P1.12 per pack despite the net retail sales already exceeding the P5, the cut-off for lower taxed category. If your P6.82 net retail prices is considered, the tax must be paid P8.96 per pack.

Meanwhile, La Suerte Astro and Memphis are taxed higher at P5.60 per pack based on their recent price survey (both exceeding P5), which are used as the basis for fixing the new level of excise duties. Both have been ranked by BIR as new brands. Other brands with price levels similar to Memphis and Astro enjoy no change in excise duty because their rate is pegged at 1997.

Furthermore, brands Marlboro and Philip Morris, which are currently higher than retail Lucky Strike, continue to pay an excise tax of P8.96 while Lucky Strike was imposed a tax of P13.44 higher under the latter having been classified as a "brand new." In fact, there is no level playing field with the taxation of cigarette brands because RR 22-2003 favors the so-called "existing brands" for the "new brands".

This "system" is unfair cigarette manufacturers who pay taxes to consumption of more than cry for the abolition of RR 22-2003 for many reasons, one of which runs counter to the agreements with the World Trade Organization (WTO) and Regulation of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA). Their argument is that if RR 22-2003 causing alienation of foreign cigarette companies, what is to keep the same happen to foreign companies in other sectors? If this happens, it is unlikely that the products of the exports and imports and income and savings they will be hit hard.

As a country that promotes free and fair trade, the Philippine government should not support such a restrictive measure of trade that is clearly contrary to the principles of the WTO and FTAA. The system clearly discriminates against imported brands like Lucky Strike, which entered the local market after 1997.

Another point that raised the ire of farmers affected is like the BIR believes that the net retail sales of "new brands" in determining the tax rate, but not for other brands that are considered by law and RR 22-2003 as existing brands. "The" uniformity in taxation "in principle states that the current prices of all brands should be recognized, or not at all. The BIR should focus on all brands, not just some. In this context, all brands of cigarettes of all holdings of tobacco sold at local level must be subject to the same conditions. In short, they want equal treatment before the law.

The third is inconsistent with the law dictating that "variants of existing brands of cigarettes which are introduced after the onset of RA 8240 are taxed under the highest classification of any variant of this brand, new variants with higher prices should be taxed as such. This shows the imperfect nature of the position of the BIR on the latest versions of the historic brand is not subject to adjustment at current prices.

Inconsistencies some cigarette makers have noted in RR 22-2003 are the reasons why many consumers have been surprised to see the brand that no longer attend.

The smoke signals are loud and clear, the government must suspend RR 22-2003 and instead introduce a new tax system that will pave the way for a level playing field. Ultimately, the idea is to benefit both the country by collecting more excise tax, and all the industry through fair competition.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Inconsistencies in the law devastate Life Span Cigarette Brands

MANILA, Philippines - The local cigarette industry might go up in smoke if the government does not act quickly.

The government is an illusion can be detected by favoring an excise tax law that creates an uneven playing field in the field of local cigarettes.

Revenue Regulation 22-2003, also known as the cigarette tax, seems to favor local brands over foreign brands.

Case in point is the way FC Fortune International, which classified the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) as an old brand, is taxed at P1.12 per pack despite the net retail sales exceeding P5, the cut-off for low-taxed category. If your net price of retail, P6.82, is considered, the tax paid should be P8.96 per pack. Similarly, La Suerte Astro & Memphis is taxed at P5.60 per pack based on their recent price survey (both exceeding P5).

On the other hand, Philip Morris' L & M, a "new second investigation, is taxed at P5.60 per pack despite the net retail sales of P4.92. In fact, there is equal conditions taxation brands of cigarettes because RR 22-2003 favors old brands, many of which are local brands, new brands, many of whom are foreigners.

This "system" is unfair cigarette manufacturers who pay taxes to consumption of more than cry for the abolition of RR 22-2003 for many reasons, one of which runs counter to the agreements with the World Trade Organization (WTO). The system does not protect new, foreign brands that have entered or would enter the local market. Their argument is that if RR 22-2003 causing alienation of foreign cigarette companies, what is to keep the same happen to foreign companies in other sectors? If this happens, it is unlikely that the products of the exports and imports and income and savings they will be hit hard.

Another point that raised the ire of farmers affected is as the BIR believes that the net retail sales of "new brands" in determining the tax rate but not "new launches, which are regarded by the law and RR 22-2003 as "old brands." The "uniformity in taxation," says that the current prices of all brands should be recognized, or not at all. The BIR should focus on all brands, not just some. In this context, all brands of cigarettes of all holdings of tobacco sold at local level must be subject to the same conditions. In short, they want equal treatment before the law.

The third is inconsistent with the law dictating that "variants of existing brands of cigarettes which are introduced after the onset of RA 8240 are taxed under the highest classification of any variant of this brand, new variants with higher prices should be taxed as such. This shows the imperfect nature of the position of the BIR on variations of an old brand with low price is not subject to an adjustment to current prices.

Inconsistencies some cigarette makers have noted in RR 22-2003 are the reasons why many consumers have been surprised to see the brand that no longer attend. Also why new brands seem to materialize all at once. This is only the cigarette industry.

The smoke signals are loud and clear, the government must change RR 22-2003 in a tax system that will pave the way for a level playing field that will benefit both the country and cigarette manufacturers.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Former Chat Addict

I remember when I skip lunch just so I can access one of the "rooms Tagalog chat. Talk about the chat addict! I never went on EbS or something. I just checked the room and listened to what those with microphones had to say.

There was also this boy - boys, really - who would not get off my case. You see, I had this other nickname. The two boys were talking to me insisting that I was a homosexual or a girl with loose morals. "What kind of person standing would have an SN," she would announce. However, it has reached the point where even people in the room that I started to play better understanding of me, ignoring me or bringing me from the room. (My computer has encountered serious problems after all.)

I know that claims are everywhere in cyberspace ... Only I did not expect people to be so mean. For those who go to one of the rooms just for kicks, well, what can I say but must be seriously deficient in a truly meaningful existence ... really ...

I think it's more subconscious is talking in the chat room. These people are entrepreneurs and professionals. Many speak much English, Filipino awesome, some are also linguists. Yet, they get cheap thrills to slander a person across the room. For what it's worth, I'm really clueless.

these characters, they talk. Some people would also come with this incredible personality to make them more "attractive" I'm sorry for them. Are so low that only lives on the Internet found some semblance of order?

After thinking? I can not believe I wasted so much of my time there.

Not that I do not log every so often. I think the point I'm trying to do is cyberspace, and the relationships forged in the chat rooms, they should not be taken seriously. If you want to believe, then by all means, go a step further and your friends net.

Not enough to say: "Hey, I have some great friends there," 'coz chances are, you do not. Like the old saying goes, do not really know someone until you've spent time with that person .... rings true for me.

At least I know better now.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Love & Hate

I love fried chicken legs and mashed potatoes. I love cameras and flat TVs and phones. I love the trees and strong winds. I love rainy days and Mondays and field. I love Donna Cruz. I love every shade of green and brown, but purple grape juice. I love the pens and papers, and songs and singing. I love the theater as much as the cinema. I love dark. I love lazy mornings and out 16:00 's. I love the poetry of the Psalms and the book of James and the wisdom of Ecclesiastes. I love mums. I love children confiding in me their secrets. I love the stories of puppy love. I love the schools and abandoned cemeteries and benches. I love old wooden crates. Rick Ashley I love '80 's hits. I love the leaves and stars as symbols for everything. I love Sweet Valley High and Sidney Sheldon novels. Love shared tears and laughs aloud. I love birthdays and birthday gifts.

I love goodbyes.

I love the silence, solitude and soliloquy, poems and songs sung by artists blacks. I love pictures and photographs. I like the square shape. I love the color of the arts. I love care and sensitivity and witty sense of humor. I love Ally McBeal, Dawson Leary, the entire cast and each of Camden Friends of the family members of the 7th Heaven. I love jackets. I love the nuances and statements of fashion and accessories and George Clooney. I love people of good heart, honest and brave people. I love the windows, I love the sun, I love mugs and I love algebra. I love pianos and guitars and I love Carol Banawa and RJ Rosales with them. I like eggs, beef and I like milk in my coffee better ugh Coffeemate [!]. I love to sleep, I love screaming, I like to pray, I like evenly shaped nails and teeth. I love naked, brown hair and chubby, chubby butts. I love orange and green trunks Doritos and Nokia 3310's. I love death as much as life, quadratic equations, as odes and sonnets, as remote tissues. I love greeting cards and tons-of-garlic fried rice and roller coaster rides. I love the strangest things, the strangest people and the strangest ideas. I love tennis and I like swimming because 'I like to sweat and I love the water. I love the sound of spoken outloud March 11 and I like Titanic and Patch Adams with Popeye and Superman. I love pillows enormous hot dog and I love heights and fractions and I love the wings and manuscripts clean. I love good grammar and Emily Dickinson.

The luuuvvv tutongs!

I love objective criticism, demanding tests and honest praise. Heck, I love trouble! I love a relief! I love "wala-lang" moments. I love the sense of accomplishment of having done something of excellence, compassion or grace. I love '[nabibitin' I look forward to the next].
I love poems recited quietly. I love sunflowers. I like all chocolate but not chocolate. I love ice cream time with friends, time to random noise and clouds dreaming life away. I love long lost and found wallets with money still in it because I forgot I saved. And I like looking at a glass with half of its content and say, "Oh, it's still half full."

I love books, love books, love books. And I say that I love ... books?! I love Jollibee Chickenjoys & McDonald vanilla milkshakes and mashed potatoes KFC and Dunkin 'Donuts Butternuts choco. I love magazines. I love huge fried shrimp. I love ballads powers. I love Johnson & Johnson regular smooth colonies, blue variant. I love Oprah. I love the letter 'J' and the number 99. I love watching the children sleep. I'd walk on the beach, dive from a plane and deep swim with the fish. I like giving love advice and mentoring students and seeing their eyes light up when understanding dawns as the sunrise. I love the bullet trains and Ferris wheels and carousels. I love strangers. I love feistiness. I like Spanish spoken. I like to try new things and make sure that I can return to old habits. I love washed jeans, sneakers and used smell of brand new shirts. And, of course, I love the brilliance of a diamond or ideas.

Yet you can take away all but these three:

I love fierce embraces, long, long letters and the song's soulful. They just take the cake! [... Oh, too bad, I do not like cakes!]

I hate dust. I hate rust. I hate the Russian language. Sinigang Na Hipon hate, though I respect its rich soup flavored. I hate to be inside the house between 5 and 7 pm. I hate Star Trek. I hate basketball. I hate anime. I hate Physics and Trigo and PE, 's. I hate the cold rice and left-over foods. I hate poorly lit rooms and stuffy places and faces Patay-malisyang. I hate coffee creams, plucked eyebrows and traffic. I hate the Nokia 5110. I hate skin diseases and halitosis and microphones.

I hate pets [die]. I hate [beef are] crude. I hate falling in love [it sucks]. I hate crowds [they "agaw" my] oxygen. I hate high chairs and strong perfume and thousands of pieces of the puzzle. I hate the sound of phones and slamming doors. I hate my voice. I hate know-it-all persons, persons and persons pasaway dense. I hate long lines. Short_____ hatred. I hate the VHS tapes. Hatred and patis tuyo and the 'whicheverlies of Cheverly!

I hate men Batman and X-Men and boys pretend. I hate the maps and plastic surgery Michael Jackson and Mystique's split. Hate gave me good letters written by someone else just to impress me. Matatakaw hate, yes hate PG! I hate frogs. I hate snakes. I hate conversations and VCD tried without sound. hate trying-hard [remind me ... me!]. I hate the things of little imagination. I hate it when Kuya Germs emcees. I hate LOTR paksiw na [I prefer to sleep]. I hate eating with bare hands, then, I hate seafood [unless the unshell for me]. I hate beer and cigarettes, and nightlife. I hate Satan [that is not right and not] floss. I hate delays and broken promises that have not been smoothed with an apology. I hate false humility. I hate war. I hate kisses surface. I hate people who dispenses advice quickly away when someone is just starting to unload their problems and just wanted to be heard. I hate the "square" human kinds, those who are ... Well, never mind! I hate shampoo imported. I hate small talks and let's-make-fun-of-chisms someone.
I hate cold drinks, tap water is fine.
Hate's forced-I'm sorry.
Pudpod hate, ahem, stubby nails and contact lenses stingy and noisy children, with pooh-pooh, and also ... Yes, I hate Winnie D 'Pooh.