Friday, August 24, 2012

Electronics are Better Than Sex

Stereotypes are a fact of life. They exist for all. One major stereotype of men is that all they ever think about is sex. There is some truth in this, of course, but I think I found something like boys better, and electronics. When I say that the guys I refer to heterosexual men, I have no idea if gay men have the same interest, or if you are always thinking about sex as straight men do.

Sex will always be in the minds of most men. My friend's grandfather always hit my wife until his recent death, and was almost 80 years. But even more powerful attraction to women is the attraction for cars and electronics. If a guy asked what his ultimate dream is he probably would be with a beautiful woman in his car while watching a film about his new sports car audio / video. When I see a Best Buy or Circuit City is like a magnet is pulling me into the store. Once in the store, I do not know what to watch first. I have to go to the computer or do I run to the HDTV section and the explosion of a TV model that is connected to a $ 3,000 Bose home theater system?

Previously I wrote an article titled: Cars: Passion or Addiction? Recently I also write an article about HDTV. Article on HDTV I said that I bought a new TV when my daughter was born. I have more than $ 5000 in my living room for my home theater system between my TV and home theater system, DVD player, etc. ... My wife thinks I'm nuts. Do you think the 27 "Sony Trinitron we bought 8 years ago it was perfectly fine. And it is, we now have in our bedroom. But how can you watch a TV program and be able to count the hairs on someone's head because the picture is so clear and I do not think it's the best?

This TV can be connected to digital cameras (note that is plural), my computer, my camera and probably some things I do not even know. I think if I put two slices of bread on it it will be toast. It is one of the REALLY necessary? Of course not. But you do not need a car with a few hundred horsepower is. It is not necessary that my daughter has half the toys he has. It is not necessary for the government to spend $ 500 billion more than it takes in every year one. Our country is made up of people who overindulge.

I have a bit 'off topic there for a while'. My point is, this 42 "HDTV and home theater system are not necessary. My two digital cameras are not necessary. My laptop and desktop computers are not necessary. I could do well with just one. My computer desktop record TV shows on it so I do not need a DVD burner, but nothing on TV is worth mentioning, in my opinion so I need a computer that can do that?

How do I know that electronics are better than sex because with all the things I described to you, all I can think of is that lately I can buy later. I could not fit a bigger TV in my living room without overpowering the room. With my work laptop I have access to 3 computers in my house, I clearly do not need another one of those. I have a digital camera for my wife and me. So why can not I get this off my mind.

It 's fun to compare all the differences between men and women. Think sex, cars and electronics. Think of children, decorate the house and probably clothes or something like that. As I wrote this article things became clearer to me. Now I discovered these guys have always been after, how to get more women in our lives to have sex. The answer is simple, we are in the car thinking about how to get our girls into a vein while watching a movie on our in-dash DVD players can guide our wife / girlfriend to her favorite store clothes while talking to decorate the kitchen and wondering when she wants to have kids. Before you know it will be all the windows steamed up.

On second thought, I prefer to drive myself to Best Buy to wander the halls and try to buy something you really do not need.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

911, is this what happened?

There have been thousands of articles about the events surrounding 9 / 11, and the flood does not seem to slow down.

There are basically four main currents of thought surrounding 9 / 11, each with its own group of followers who believe they know the truth.

The first group believes the official version of 9 / 11: the attack was done under the direction of the Saudi mastermind Osama Bin Laden of 19 Arab hijackers who used box cutters to hijack four passenger planes and turn them into flying bombs. United Airlines flights 11 and 175 crashed into the twin towers of World Trade Center, while a third, American Airlines Flight 77 struck the Pentagon. A fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, was heading toward the White House, but crashed into a Pennsylvania field after several heroic passengers said: "Let's roll" and fought with the hijackers. The Twin Towers burned and collapsed due to the stress of impact and the heat generated by burning jet fuel. Warnings that might have allowed the authorities to prevent the attack were lost in the bureaucratic maze of large intelligence agencies like the CIA overburdened.

People in this group feel that the government is doing its honest best to preserve the security of the nation, but that led to terrorists and unconventional are hard to stop, even with the utmost vigilance. The intelligence agencies can be cumbersome and should be streamlined, but officials have shown enough care and attention that no one should be accused of egregious negligence. This is the version of events presented by the U.S. government and mainstream news media like Fox and CNN.

The second group believes that most of the official version, with some minor clarifications. The main difference is that the second group supports a round of firing to do with what they feel government officials are incompetent.

They excoriate the president to continue reading "My Pet Goat" to schoolchildren, instead of responding instantly to the tragedy, and accuses the Vice President to go into hiding instead of standing in solidarity next to the president and rallying the public to time of the attacks. They believe that intelligence agencies indifferent attitudes to important information warning of an imminent terrorist attack, that airport security was too lax, and that appropriate diligence by the authorities would have prevented the whole scenario. They claim to radically improve the way foreign intelligence is collected and treated, and I feel that with adequate supervision, America can be made safe from the threat of terrorist attacks abroad.

People in both groups before and the second is likely to see the Patriot Act and warrantless wiretaps are necessary evils in the fight against a foreign enemy. Both groups display a basic faith in the soundness of the American government and institutions. Islamic fundamentalists have a penchant for violence well documented, and the 9 / 11 attacks are just another manifestation of what Samuel Huntington has called "The Clash of Civilizations". Many of these people feel that since America is innocent of any role in fomenting the attacks, it is useless to engage in a dialogue with the Arab discontent, and only military action can stop an enemy who hates America for its democratic values.

The third group is much more critical of the role of American foreign policy and national cause terrorism. Islamic fighters in Afghanistan have received financial support during the American War 1979-1988 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. These mujahedeen who fought the Soviets, with training and weapons supplied by the CIA, were the forerunners of the Taliban, a group of Wahhabi religious radicals who sheltered Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden.

The followers of this school of thought stressed the close ties between the Bush administration and the Bin Laden family (and, of course, the Saudi regime in general). Immediately after 9 / 11, when all other planes were grounded, the members of the Bin Laden family was allowed to leave America without being interrogated for information about their relative prodigal. In addition, American has a history of overthrowing democratic governments in the Middle East, who are opposed to U.S. policies (such as the Iranian Premier Mossedeq in 1953), to install pliant dictatorships in their place. These actions create hostility that leads to terrorism, and the Americans could and should have seen the attacks to come.

According to this group, the Islamic world does not love America more for what they do than for what he is, America gives unwavering support for Israel and support Arab dictatorships, provided that service America needs for oil. American dependence on foreign oil provides further entanglement with dangerous Islamic fundamentalists resentful. This group believes that the corrupt American foreign policy is largely responsible for the attacks, and to support changes in existing U.S. policies and disengagement from the Middle East.

Examples of this school of thought is the filmmaker Michael Moore, whose film "Fahrenheit 9 / 11" exposed many examples of government abuse of power surrounding the attacks. These people are less likely to support greater security, they feel the existing laws and agencies, as long as the proper functioning, are more than enough to deal with foreign threats. They heap scorn on the staff of the airport security search that grandmothers in the name of political correctness, and is unlikely to support a large, intrusive security. Terrorism is seen as a structural phenomenon, likely to disappear regardless of any military or security-related actions to address the root causes are eliminated.

The fourth group is made up by conspiracy theorists who accuse the government without the means to commit the attack, and the use of slogans such as "9 / 11 was an inside job." They believe that rogue elements in the CIA and the Pentagon orchestrated the entire event in order to provide a pretext for pre-planned invasion of Iraq and the Arabs, if they have been involved at all, were not the masterminds .

They point to scientific and architectural evidence that the WTC was built to withstand more stress than would be generated by the impact of two planes, and jet fuel does not burn at temperatures high enough to melt steel. The collapse of the Twin Towers collapse and the identity of a third building nearby (the Seven World Trade Center, which has never been hit by a plane), are said to be due to controlled demolition, set up by explosive experts. Question the idea that 19 amateur non-military armed only with boxcutters could lead to control of 4 large commercial aircraft. The field of debris left by 8 miles along flight plan 93 points coming apart or exploding in the air (or, even more disturbing, shot was made by a missile), do not strike the ground intact. A number of other irregularities in the mountain of forensic evidence and testimonies available are examined as well.

These people have a very unpleasant view of American government. They recall the long history of involvement in U.S. military false-flag attack planned and executed for the sole purpose of manipulating public opinion in favor of various wars, as the attack on the USS Maine, the Gulf of Tonkin and Operation Northwoods .

This group sees the increasing levels of security and public surveillance is not only unnecessary (given the lack of foreign enemies), but as signs of incipient police state. They have a general distrust of the military-industrial American and speak fearfully of a "New World Order", an elite cabal of globalists who have no concern for the lives of ordinary members of the public.

People in this group, regardless of the merits of their claims, receive no exposure to the mainstream media because their statements are so arsonist that the ramifications would destroy public faith in government. However, this lobby is a growing industry on the Internet, search for "9 / 11 Conspiracy" produces 10,200,000 results.

Of course, there is considerable cross-pollination between the four groups. And 'quite possible to believe, for example, that American security agencies worked well on 9 / 11 (first group), while also believing that the nation is too dependent on foreign oil (the third group). However, these broad categories generally describe the different opinions about what happened on 9 / 11, and people often have collections of points of view as a "package". Someone who supports the government's domestic policy is also likely to agree with foreign policy, while the skeptics are often suspicious of authority generally.

So that's it: an event, and four radically different interpretations and worldviews. When it comes to 9 / 11, everyone has a pet theory. Like the Kennedy assassination, this will keep both amateur and professional historians busy for many years to come.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The problem with newspapers (and their cousins Tv)

Dick Tracy. Three newspapers in each city. News that made sense. enough content for an entire family to read.

Today, newspapers are a shell of themselves.

The biggest problem with newspapers is that there are more newspapers. Almost all local newspapers have become the locales of USA Today. There are 500 places where I can find all the latest news about Brad and Angelina as well as Natalee Holloway. These include many national magazines and newspapers, a dozen cable channels and, more recently, the Internet. What I can not find it in 500 places in depth local news, local investigative journalism, and thought leadership does not pander.

Newspapers should be more than they can be: the investigators, the protectors of truth, and guardians of the little guy. Newspapers can claim to be these things, but the reality is that it can no longer be part of the mission, as the company also owns television stations, radio stations, newspapers and shopper-type, all of which are promoting their public a priority absolute. It starts at the top people, if the President and the Board have the courage, the publisher will have courage, publishers have the balls, and support to journalists who have courage.

But its hard to be brave when the only commonality between all the properties of the media is the fact that they depend on advertising. It was easier for the cards to resist the bullies when they had more influence and more readership, but now, the audience is business owners in broadcast, and broadcast by the Work with nature. When was the last time that NBC has worked as authoritative as a documentary "If Japan Can, Why Can not We?" The 1980?

I love newspapers. Raised in New York, there were nearly a dozen flavors of local newspapers tri-state area, each with a very special personality. The newspapers today seem to have unique personality is the consensus. There is no good or bad, right or wrong, win or lose. Look at the titles ... "Support for Gun Control Moon (second line), but still necessary, some say." I did this, but became a writing style very popular title. Nobody is right, no one is wrong, we do not want to offend anyone.

The ads are a vital source of income for newspapers, but it's hard to compete with Craig's List, which runs ads for free, and allows a lot of pictures (a much better apartment survey, as an example.)

This means that the display advertising and inserts are growth area of the newspaper. Only relevant, the content of fly-off-the-newsstand change the sinking of the Titanic.

That is why for our content, we subscribe to a dozen or more blogs. Which is a shame, because the newspaper is a thing do not blog - people of great experience, strong equity and portability of the product.

Chairpeople owners of multi-media I beg you: do not allow the death of newspapers to throw the whole weight behind the gloss. blow-dry feature charge 10:00 news. paper published in the dogs, and let it do what they should do: digging and reporting.