Saturday, February 11, 2012

The attitude of "advance" Planning and rejection

If you search, then you will never find a moment of quality in the first place if you've wasted. Too much things to do is not an excuse to skip the "important" things from the implications and consequences: positions on gimmicks, cough drops than RH (you know what I mean), jotting notes during class discussions for the fall-in line-in-the-copy-station dilemma, and save the allowance parts on "Mom, I need cash" Kuno "... and fast!"

College of peoples, such as students of Engineering (one can do a lot of ordinary things) should learn to draw their things-to-do list before debts. It 'very possible, if you can not meet engineering student when he / she runs out of good ideas and ended up crying at the top of the bed again with the shoes. There are times when we can enjoy eight hours of sleep on the projects and needs more friends than you is saying, "Kasy Hindi ko ang books FINGER bag Sa ko. Pwede pa-mo ng extra eyebags?" Yet, we continue to repeat ourselves that we are accustomed. Or is that you have not done your chores before or weeks before the cut-off dates? It 'very frustrating, but almost all engineers-to-be who are.

The culmination of this mentality ... tadahh! Failure. But there are some that are wrapped doing well, but make sure that the transition from grade 75 to 70 and your other 5, not vice versa (you are nothing but a second rate trying to copy cat!)

The failure, according to the Rev. WA Nance, can be divided into those who thought and never did and who did and never thought.

For me, it was my routine to take with me my Organizer on my bag. It feels at times very difficult for another carry in my bag, despite my other books to electronics and my two mobile phones every day, but it's a relief not forgetting a few things to attend for a day: club meetings, deadlines SPECTRUM, appointments with your instructor and others. Post-it is quite a good system, too. Attaching them to your PC monitor or on your pinning corkboards home, or attach them on the refrigerator door and scan important notes before going to school. alarms on your phone can do (unless they forget to say sorry for the teacher when the buzzer rings in the middle class).


Do not be so reluctant to remember things, small, but important "things. Do not let your classmates name you "Tanga-tanga." If you want them not to call that, not one. Try to do things "plantsado" before going to bed. It is important not to numb the next day by forgetting to take your report cards. Or you neglected your notes quiz tomorrow, because you have an exchange with watching your favorite teleserye look Kristine Hermosa with its fringe "abot na sa langit ka BagĂ ." No! Top priority. Go to your planner so you do not forget things for tomorrow. It's simple.

Being a good thinker and a doer.

Someone once told me that the world has two kinds of people: thinkers and doers. Then he said: "thinkers need to do more and who does need to think more." I always tried to do both --- think and act. When I have combined the two, I reduced the probability of failure.

I had to deal with three essays of the school year: bitwise, which are the chief editor, TCI and the spectrum where both work as literary editor. To add, the roots that is the literary folio of the TCI and am working as an editor. It 'very busy and although it is not a joke. But the key to do the job well is enjoying the job. Draw dates for each activity and make sure you run any, even partial. I have many deadlines to participate this year especially when we are having our Exhibition Design on February 24 to 26 at SM Davao. And 'every other day I was there with my group and follow-up by editing and re-release documentation and go home 3:00 in the morning and having a first period class by 8:30. I only 4 hours sleep and I end up 10-15 minutes late and did not eat breakfast.

Expect that kind of thing to happen and the best way to meet up regularly and do not be shy to ask your classmates for the things you lost. Man lang kita kita Sat magtinabangay 'Diba,? Then, when Friday comes, invite friends to dinner with you at Win-yourself or a treatment with the Enlightenment and Coke or iced tea to Chery. Chip mo lang gud. Make it a "friendly suit.

Over the weekend, if long to watch a movie at the mall, go look. If you want to go window-shop, to do so. Just do not spend too much (have it in mind that there is no tomorrow and you may need cash for your AMOT-AMOT for the project). Leave a bit 'of money in your wallet and do not expect parents to guarantee a subsistence allowance for the time you wanted. You could end up sliding the card in cash and cash discovered empty your account and start swearing that her mother or your father, do not you check. Delete the attitude of excuse, "But! Pa! Man Daghan Gyud gastuson skwelahan me know. Kamo DAW May ba Lalime Engineering." And you have the courage ... Do not wait until your parents will answer back, "Ibta unya sa imong uban na kung pwede ba na but take." If you ask your parents finances (especially those staying in boarding houses), informing them in advance so which may also be able to plan. Dili-Just Enough ang mga indoy kwarta Karon inday MGA. Baya 12% na ang VAT Karon. Just kidding, but true.

Now, if you graduate, do not be so happy "knows humot toga know, you're trying to forget the works of paper, tasks and deadlines. There are still works of paper, assignments, and deadlines and bosses fear. Do not carry your attitude not plan ahead. It could come to your cubicle the next day your things are already in-box please leave your head and lips curling with anger and even 50 meters you could read lips, saying: "You're fired!" Do not you look so pitiful that you want, "Wolf, lamunin mo ako!"

Accept the challenge. Light the fire of desire and will. Do not be so "kumpyansa" on everything. Accept constructive criticism and advice. Recognizing the failures, and make your teaching experience. Do the best you can. Learn to plan. Plan first. Learn the easiest way to bankruptcy, according to Bill Cosby, is to please everyone. The best way to success is not just to please everyone, but also to exhaust all means. Alamin mo kung ano ang tama (parang kumbagá RH).

Finally, the best way to find a helping hand is to look at the end of your arm. It 'so simple. Try early planning after reading this article. Not so complicated though.

Friday, February 10, 2012

I am not an African - American

I am not an African-American. Do not call an African-American. I am an American plain and simple. I was born here as were my parents and grandparents and you should look back many generations before you find someone in my family from the African continent. It 's time of blacks in this country stop trying to identify with a land whose culture is not their own. Time to stand up and say "This land is our land" and let everyone know that we are entitled to this country as much as anyone.

I understand the need for black people in America to find an identity all their own. There are displaced as a people can be. Brought here in the seventeenth century, first as slaves and servants as the richness of culture has led these people from their various tribes were systematically stripped away from them.

Perhaps calling ourselves African-Americans believed to be able to recover some of that wealth that is lost to us and our people was stolen long ago. But the atrocities of the past are just that, the past and trying to identify with cultures'm not going to help us achieve respect and prosperity that we mentioned for so long in a country that is still hostile to those of descendants African.

Now do not get me wrong, I am in any way that we should forget the past. It 'important to study and learn from your ancestors triumphs', mistakes and pain. Constantly changing our identification, however, is not the best way to use this knowledge. We had several "identities" by colored Negro, Black and now African-American.

How can we expect anyone to know about us if we are not sure of our identity? How can we expect to come together as a people if we disagree on something as simple as what to call ourselves? Hell the government is not even sure if we form the 2000 census was no indication by their Black, Negro, Afro-American category non-Hispanic.

I say we dispense with all the confusion. We are Americans. The sweat of our brow helped build this country. Benjamin Banneker a black man, helped design the white house. Something as simple as light and as life saving as a blood transfusion were created by people of color. Americans. From music, dance, literature have given much more time in this country has ever given us. We can be proud of ourselves simply by calling the Americans, because we have earned more than that right. It's time to use it.

I was once asked if I felt like a second and the first black American. The answer is as long as America sees me as black first then I'll always be second American. But I'll never be anything other then American, pure and simple.

(C) 2005 Tamika Johnson

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ten motivational triggers that make people buy

1. People want to make more money. Those wishing to start their own business, finding a job than to pay or invest in the stock market. This will make them feel successful.

2. People want to save. You may decide to invest for the future or save for a big purchase. This will make them feel safer.

3. People want to save time. You may decide to work less and spend time enjoying life's pleasures. This will make them feel more relaxed.

4. People want to see better. They may want to lose weight, tone the body, or improve their facial features. This will make them feel more attractive.

5. People want to learn something new. Those who wish to learn to change their car oil or build a bridge. This will make them feel more intelligent.

6. People want to live longer. Those wishing to get fit, eat well and gain extra energy. This will make them feel healthier.

7. People want to feel good. Those who want to relive aches and pains or want to sleep in a bed more comfortable. This will make them feel relieved.

8. People want to be loved. They may not want to be alone or want to start dating again. This will make them feel wanted.

9. People want to be popular. You can decide to be a famous celebrity or be more popular at school. This will make them feel appreciated and admired.

10. People want to gain pleasure. Those who wish to satisfy their appetite or sexual desires. This will make them feel more satisfied.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Choosing Candles & Scents Part 1 - Candles for July

Deciding on just a few candles is rarely easy. With so much to choose from now (maybe even thousands of scents), it is almost impossible to choose just one. This is part of a series of articles to follow on choosing candle scents for the home.

With several weeks, and July 4th holiday, it seems only natural to choose a too Amercian type candle, or even "smell" summer. Here are some suggestions for scents that "fit" the month of July:

American-style containers:
Many companies already offer candles candles with layers of red, white and blue. Others offer American flag design containers and votive holders.

Apple Pie Scent:
This has become very popular and for good reason. It 'absolutely yummy, and smells good to eat! Nothing says America quite like Apple Pie.

Blueberry Muffin:
Another very "American-like scent. This perfume smells like blueberry muffins right out of the oven.

Watermelon Perfume:
Looking for something a little 'sweeter? Try this favorite summer. Watermelons are a favorite picnic and fun summer treat.

Cinderella Perfume:
If you prefer floral perfumes, this is a nice mid-summer. This is a unique scent romantic aroma of amber, musk, vanilla, with hints of purple base and fresh cut lily of the valley. Available at many stores online candle.

Dandelion Pear:
Another unique fragrance in summer. This fragrance opens with the slightly bitter aroma of dandelion, and wildflowers, perfectly sweetened with tart fresh pear, green tea leaves, and fresh aloe vera.

Still looking for something a bit 'more floral? Try this simple favorite. While more than a spring bouquet, this is also nice for mid-summer.

Need more suggestions? Read Part 2 to:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Cities full of chaotic order

I experienced a break - I got a feeling and translated, now I understand what it is.

I spent most of my adult life in a city, London, UK, in fact, traveling to and from cities in one country or another. I could not understand why even though they were havens for chaos I felt at ease in them.

I spent many years as a graphic designer too, all these years, were in the same city. Unfortunately, being a graph, incredibly, made me miss this feeling, or at least miss-understand what it was. In my opinion, the graphics was all about solving other people's underpants, or theories about short periods of time, the nature of the graphics.

I often looked out the window while I was contemplating an idea and something made me feel well enough to return to this matter vigorously. I think this was the fact that I was looking out into a city.

Why do I find tranquility in a chaotic city? A city can not survive if it does not work correctly, so when I'm in London or Sydney, Singapore City or Paris, and others, I realized that these cities are well established, so they must have a certain order.

I was day dreaming in the studio - in my late re-entry into art, as just before Christmas 2005 after a break of five years of Graphic Design, I rented my studio, and embarked on a journey of fine art, this After solving my theories - and during a break from a morning of intense charcoal and pastel, I sat watching all the bits of charcoal that had accumulated.

My nature provided the first part of my artistic journey, fast, furious and action flowing. Once I'm finished "stuffed". I sat down and noticed all the bits left over away from coal burning sticks. (I say as I have heartburn, many times been burned, forgetting my passion, that charcoal sticks are not the same length!).

I picked up a bit and thought "would not be nice to do a little 'smaller works of art, a change, be cheaper too, and started rolling around and smearing a block of cartridge paper, A2 in size.

I felt better. I had tons of space, and a tiny piece of coal. I was day dreaming again and just let the paper take me where ever wanted. Forms appeared in the pictures, and still in a state of tranquility, I continued with little direction. E 'was great, people love them, I feel a bit' embarrassed as I am having difficulty accepting that they are mine, I know them, but that was pushing the coal?

Anyway, I made another. In doing so gave me time to think, I used another piece of charcoal and started drawing a vertical straight lines, then of course I put in a horizontal line, a little 'shadow, and another vertical line, and so on.

Good God! I was drawing the edges of buildings that looked familiar, was a scene of 'anywhere in London, any "dead", or the backyard terrace.

I was at home. Now he had a theme, and got a feeling. While drawing, I realized that all of billions of London, chaotically placed bricks, pipes, windows, curtains, outside toilet cisterns, as in any city where there was order.

The rest came from the variety of chaos Over the years, he found his order.
I started to put them on my site now, you can see the top four at the bottom of my "projects" page on my website - these are the first, as I mentioned above, but those I have yet to put up are more intense and more peaceful.

It shows how happy I am with my new discovery, I have had these four mounted and framed on my wall in the studio. I go to Sydney next week to take shots assign alley, sketches, close-up view of bricks and pipes. The dirtiest, ugliest, bleak and better.

I love the way the front of the house is a face, but the alley ways in which people are not required to risk or compliance, it raises the terrace of houses, are being real careful. exhaust pipes, dirty walls, bins, fencing old little side windows that still retain the fifties or even thirty original curtains, the curtains came with the house.

A million pieces of chaos come to order ... beautiful.

Monday, February 6, 2012

And 'Off-Shore Outsourcing A "Bane" or a "Gift"?

Mentioned some interesting survey results from companies that have gone offshore. "Of those companies that have gone offshore, 88 percent said they had gotten better" value for money "with American companies. That is not too surprising.

What is surprising, and what is worrying IT services company in the United States, are some other survey results: - 71 percent said the "quality of the final result" was better than American companies provided, and - 67 for percent said "on time delivery" was better. In other words, India's IT services firms are surpassing their counterparts in the United States in three key areas: they are producing better products and services are doing it faster, and are asking for less. This is good news for CIOs, but bad news for U.S. companies. "- I know that there has been and continues to be" heated "discussions and debates about offshore outsourcing in many forums.

And 'offshore outsourcing a "ruin" or a "windfall" for Virtual Consulting?

IMHO, the fact that at least some of these companies can successfully employ offshore resources to achieve quality products in a cost effective and timely, is proof tha Virtual Consulting really works!

Do not you agree?

In other related articles, we note in particular that India is booming due to IT outsourcing:

Ref: "growing trend towards IT outsourcing is a boon for India with Scott Leith, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Sunday, May 4, 2003"

He does not believe that the companies see that they are able to allow work to be performed remotely / virtually, even halfway around the world in India, that this type of Virtual Consulting is not only practical, but useful?

Granted I have seen and heard of companies of all sizes and (supposed) levels of maturity (SEI CMM), not when you try to outsourcing projects. But, in my opinion, the cases I have heard seem to be attributed to a lack of understanding of how to plan and / or manage these types of outsourcing / virtual / remote projects.

What have you heard about the success or failures of companies' success in outsourcing projects? and why they succeed or fail?

What do you see as the risks, problems, opportunities and / or rewards of offshore outsourcing than Virtual Consulting?

How can we turn this trend for our mutual benefit?

Again, I think, I actually see this trend of offshore outsourcing as an opportunity for consultants virtual / Consulting.

Just think, if companies believe that you can design, manage, test, etc. A product / project under development from remote and possibly off-shore because you can also perform your consulting, design, management, control etc. tasks remotely / virtually on the physical location (s) of society?

Moreover, it leads us in the direction in which the goals are to use the best high quality, effective and efficient resources of time for a task / project, no matter where in the world is doing the work? This does not tell us that we are starting to face really a true "global economy"? And is not this what Virtual Consulting is this?

You tell me?!

Every experience can change your life

Every experience, even simply going to the restaurant, can create new beliefs about how you live your life.

I have read in many different cultural and religious texts not to take for granted every moment of life, as all experiences can be the opportunity to know yourself and the world around you. I recently made a trip to Melbourne, Australia while I was there I had two very memorable experiences, both in restaurants. I like going out to eat anyway, but these two events were both what I believe to be extraordinary, as it had never happened in my life before. Let me tell you a little 'of what is happening in this strange place we call planet Earth.

The first restaurant I went was with my brother and was called 'as something of lentils' (, which is a pun on an old Australian rock band called 'Mental as anything'. All food is vegetarian, which is great for me for seven years, I fall into this classification, even though I started to eat fish just for health reasons. The thing that struck me was that the menu had no price. On the back of the menu were the words, 'Pay what you feel', then the owners went on to say the ideas underlying the concept. Just as the Hindu belief of karma, the patron is invited to give equally in monetary value what they feel the meal is worth to them. I think the main idea is that they want to create a more humane relationship with regular customers instead of a purely capitalist consumerism type of connection. Much of our society has shifted to a focus on the acquisition of money as very important and the interaction between people is relegated to being simply 'do a' sense.

Well you probably need to ask, 'How long has this restaurant? They make a profit? 'The answers are: The restaurant has been around for years, and have since opened a second store in a separate place, I' d think they are doing well. I first ate a bread and dips which was very tasty, followed by the best lentil burgers I've ever had in my life (I had many), and I drank a chai tea that unfortunately was not very good that day. When I went to pay a lot of questions came into my mind like, 'How much should I pay? I give a lot, so they are not perceived as a Scrooge? Can I pretend that I have no money? The homeless come here to get a free meal? The realization I had after I had paid in this process of negotiation secular consciousness of a person is tested. You want to walk to the happy experience, and you feel for restaurateurs who have had their fair amount for their services. A feeling of trust, respect, and unity is given to this relationship, which could also feel that your honor is being tested. This is entirely a human connection is very different than many modern ideologies that are fast-food pervades our local environment.

In my last article entitled "The Power of Food 'I stressed the importance of what we eat, how and who we eat with, as well as the relevance of the person who was cooking the food she felt emotionally. In a situation Consumer Should any of these factors become irrelevant? Eating is one of the few actions imperative that all human beings should do if they exist in our world. Why not make the experience of the sacred, like all other rituals and beliefs important we participate in?

The second amazing restaurant experience I had was at a place called, 'Moroccan Soup Bar' (Check reviews on Google). They also serve a vegetarian-only menu, and after dating from different periods is easily one of the tastiest I've ever eaten in my life. Back when I used to eat meat every day I thought that vegetables were boring, boy was I wrong! The textures, variety of flavors, and ingredients are more attractive to all tastes that I took with me to share this sacred experience''.

The evening in question and saw my girlfriend and I arrived late and then being the last people to eat. Earlier in the night the owner, a Muslim woman, was sitting at the table next to us with a few customers who were obviously normal or friends. When he mentioned the movie, 'What a bleep do we know?' I had to intervene, as I felt it was one of the few people around who saw the film and had also thought that the film is very interesting. He was saying that not many people were in the theater than the mainstream stories like 'Batman' or 'Star Wars' and wondered why they were no longer interested in real life, unlike human narratives created. At the end of the night she came and sat at our table to discuss what we did not like the movie.

The conversation flowed naturally aspects of life such as science, spirituality, religion and human relations. He said that morning she had gone on a trip with a group of Muslim women and Jewish women to a mikvah (a Jewish woman 'ritual bath), who organized her. He said that at first the Islamic group were reluctant to go, but after that they went and met with Jewish women, neither group wanted to leave. They all enjoyed the connection so that Jewish women were planning a visit to the Islamic group to one of their religious ceremonies. Of course I thought this was because the climate of political turmoil in Israel and Palestine.

I have not got the really cool part of history again. When I went to pay for the meal I gave the woman the thirty dollars (very cheap for the quality and quantity of food) and she handed me fifteen dollars. Very surprised, then continued to tell me that some nights he would give patrons half the price of the meal back if they would favor a little. I asked what it was and she told me that I should give money to someone that I felt really needed or deserved. This just blew both my girlfriend and my own mind! The woman said he believed 90% of people went through with this task generous, and she just hoped it might influence some of our beliefs about humanity and the interrelatedness of all people on planet Earth.

My girlfriend and I was contemplating child sponsorship for a while 'so we took the fifteen U.S. dollars and used it to our first monthly payment of Plan International It shows how powerful humble, anonymous can make the difference for the world and people's perception of reality. It 'true that every moment is a chance to learn from what is around us everywhere, as well as the opportunity to share knowledge with others, integrating our new belief in our actions and behaviors.